Since the VP community keeps growing and a large amount of content keeps getting added every day, there is a need for all active members to help to keep the forum content quality at the standard we expect it to be as users of the forum.
I am soliciting help from all active members in flagging questionable content. Here are some basic guidelines to help you decide what to flag and what not to.
- One or two line comments or questions which does not add much to the quality of discussion in the thread.
- Offensive language or tone of a post. Here, think if you would be comfortable if a child reads the post. If no, flag.
- Unnecessarily pumping up a stock. This one is especially important. All investors are expected to present their point of view, but pushing back on any alternate contrarian viewpoints is a definite question mark.
- Unnecessarily linking to personal website/blog for generating page views. If required the content can be posted on VP directly.
- Posting any copyrighted or paid material. (Magazines, news reports, articles etc behind paywall).
- Asking or giving buy/sell/hold recommendations.
- Creating a new thread when one already exists or putting content in wrong thread.
- Lack of disclosure while creating a new thread or making a strong case for a stock.
- Posting of technical charts in company threads. All technical charts are to be put in the technical analysis thread only.
- Starting a thread with little or no content. I am giving a basic template. One can add more but atleast the minimum information expected should be there.
- Any counter view of general consensus. For example, if members are bullish on a stock and someone posts a negative view with reasoning or asks pertinent questions.
- Fundamental news about a company or industry.
Please feel free to reach out to @manish962, @hitesh2710, @ayushmit, or me (@basumallick) on private message if you want to communicate any perceived wrongdoing by any forum member.
I invite all members to help to maintain the quality of VP content.