Buy Unlisted Shares

I am new to this thread, what is the best platform to buy unlisted share, like oyo ?

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How can buy NSE share if want to

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They (Altius)where good few months back but now they are more into getting 10-20% margin.
So I will advise WhatsApp at least 5-7 brokers and get the best suited price.
And the second thing itā€™s very hard to value unlisted share there are more opportunities in listed shares.
Few days back valuation of OYO was around 6 billion and in 5-10 days they raised funds @3 billion or lower.


OYO - Refinancing the loan at lower ROI will result in improved bottomline. However IPO deferral will result in softening of priceā€¦presently around INR 36. Looking forward to Q4 results.


I had initially entered Vikram Solar at 218 in Feb. I have bought more at 224 two days back.As per Altius for100 - 250, the rate today is ā‚¹222.00. For 251 - 999, it is ā‚¹220.00.

Sorry about the late reply.

I went through Altius, they are trustworthy and professional. The whole process takes about 4-6 months.

i added more at 36-37 to average.

I fail to understand why OYO valuations are falling. Travel and hospitality sectors are doing extremely well with strong pricing power and better margins. OYO itself has turned around in FY24. As per some reports Q4 PAT was 100cr and with the existing FCY loans being refinanced at 500 bps lower, there is a interest saving of 100-120cr each year. If the company continues this momentum assisted by tailwinds in the sector, FY25 will be even more spectacular. However valuations seem to be going in the other direction. I personally feel its a good time to accumulate. Delay in IPO should be seen as good news by pre IPO investors wanting to accumulate more during this fall. OYO with better earnings will eventually command better valuations when it comes to the market. Unless there is some hidden issue or fraud that only a few with insider information are privy to, really cant fathom the drop in valuations. At times markets do temporarily misprice an asset, hope its that case and eventually earnings will drive valuations!

Additional comments added 27May:

OYO is raising 416cr preferencr equity capital by issue of shares to Incred investors at INR29 per share, a value as determined by its independent valuers appointed for the fund raise exercise !!!
EGM_Notice.pdf (1.7 MB)

Hope this round is the bottom, important to focus on quality growth, profitability along with winning over the hotel owners and improve customer experience before heading to IPO with decent valuation.

Disc : Invested

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?any medium to get hands on matrix

PolymatechElectronicsLimitedDRHP_20231020180426.pdf (6.0 MB)

Folks, Vikram Solar is raising a primary round around 122. Please be careful when dealing at crazy prices from around the market


Wow, the price with brokers is nearly 2X. Unlisted market is bonkers :slight_smile:

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This is old DRHPā€¦ They will refile it soon with updated data and valuation. IPO should come by December end as I heard from management

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Kindly share the source/link. Thanks

Brothers, I have 1000 unlisted shares of Vikram Solar. Till recently, the website from where I buy these shares has been after me to buy (more) at arount ā‚¹250. Their argument was that the company had sold some equity at ā‚¹180 to some investor, so it will not go down from there. It did.
The current price is around ā‚¹220.
Now I have received a notice of their Extraordinary meeting where the company is offering these shares in many lakhs per such ā€˜non-promoter investorsā€™ at ā‚¹122.
My question is about legality of the companyā€™s action. If it is offering at a certain price to some investors, shouldnā€™t it do the same in the case of all ā€˜non-promoter investorsā€™? The question is about legality of the companyā€™s action.
The company is coming out with IPO soon, their DRHP has been filed. So, before the IPO it sells to some entitities at ā‚¹122, and may well come out with the issue at a much higher price. Clearly a case if undue enrichment?

There is some guidelines for warrants and preferential allotment in listed entities by SEBI but unlisted companies donā€™t come under its purview. New investors in unlisted companies can buy at any valuation depending upon their internal assessment and upon aggreement with the promoter. Many promoters sell their stake at lower valuation to renowned investors to gain credibility. There is no legal way to stop a company from selling their share at lower price.

Let me remind everyone that Pharmeasy did a rights issue at 90% discount!!!

That is where the difference lies. Pharmeasy made a rights offer, which is fair to all investors. Vikram Solar are offering selectively.

Action of Vikram Solar is unethical (though saying it doesnā€™t help us) even if it is not legally actionable.
Disclaimer: I have investment in Pharmeasy too.

We canā€™t do anything about it even if it is unethical. Listed companies are better in this respect. In unlisted companies, any investor can decide that the company is not worth its current valuation and cut itā€™s valuation causing loss to all invested.
Pharmeasy valuation cut was bad for all invested except Dr. Velumani who had secured anti-dilution rights ahead of his investment in the firm. This will ensure he is allotted new shares to compensate for the massive erosion in the current value of his holding in the company.

It is also rare for a company to give these anti-dilution rights. This dilution is another risk in unlisted companies.

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The problem herein isnā€™t with the company, thay have the authority to issue shares at any suitable price which is acceptable to both the parties & raises the capital required.

But the real culprits are the unlisted platforms that are quoting crazy spreads. A basic test that I follow when dealing with these platforms is asking for both way spreads, i.e., at what price will they buy my existing shares. This has saved me from a very popular platform (rhymes with twisted cone) when dealing with Waaree shares. Either the platform will not quote the other side, or quote a crazy spread.

Hereā€™s the fundraise doc for those asking
Vikram-Solar-Ltd-EGM-Notice-23.05.2024.pdf (218.9 KB)