Yash Pakka - (Previously Yash Paper) - Rising from ash

Thanks. It’s really helpful.

Unable to open with “Zoom” password.

Passcode is &9V$sujK

Did anyone attend the concall?
Please share the concall link as could not find it.

link mentioned in above messages


Q1 FY23, concall not yet uploaded on youtube, could anyone share the audio recording ?

open this link and enter the password.

Any one attended the AGM? Please share the notes. Thanks

eb48f78a-e9d6-4ea0-bdca-e304f2ddd491.pdf (7.5 MB)

Investor presentation

Can anyone elaborate on the last line - " Exploring Asset light startegy on moulded products manufacturing " -

That is third party manufacturing , they were to complete total 3 partner site activation by Q3.

Here are the AGM proceedings:
fb76b708-378f-473f-a7d3-a7e758c1bba4.pdf (1.5 MB)

Two important inputs:

  1. Pledging of Promoter’s shares is revoked. That process is now completed.

  2. On near term milestone of reaching 500 cr topline and 100 cr PBT in 2022-2023, they seems to achieve PBT target (which should increase the EPS by good 70% of so). Crossing Topline of 500 cr is tough.

Rest all is clear from proceedings.



Opting for contract manufacturers to keep it asset light? They have mentioned it in their concalls before.


Superb results from Yash Pakka


Dec Results were great. I mainly have three Key concerns/Red Flags regarding the company (in Bold)-

  • Despite repeated intimations from the company during the Sept and December quarter and also during the AGM, there seems to be no changes on revoke of Pledged Shares. The latest Shareholding pattern of December 2022 Quarter shows 84.99% of promoter shares pledged even though company has provided SBI letter regarding the Revoke. In AGM also they have mentioned that pledge has been revoked but there are no changes on the BSE shareholding Pattern. Seems a bit fishy to me and I want to know what the actually situation is.

  • The company has approved Project Jagruti in UP where it will invest 550cr for expansion of its Ayodhya plant. In June 22 presentations they have given outright sales and profit guidance regarding the expansion plan and how it will become a 200cr PBT company.

My main question is that how will it get the funds for this expansion since 550cr over two years leads to a hefty 225cr per year investment and with the Paper cycle peaking out soon (In my Opinion), how will it manage to raise these funds. Promoter holding is around 49% which will have to be significantly diluted and even at current market cap of 350cr, it will be hard. As for borrowings, getting a a loan of more than 200cr will probably screw the balance sheet and also put a heavy burden on the P/L Statement.

  • Last is that, despite going on and about for this major capex for the last two years, management has declared almost 20% average dividend for FY20, FY21, FY22. I think this money as little as it might seem, could go a long way in being reinvested into the core business. This would be one of my Key Concern going forward.

Disclosure - I am just pointing out realities in the business, not demotivating anyone invested or to anyone who plans to invest. I like the plans of the company but I feel it would be a miracle to pull it off. I was invested for quite a few quarters and finally decided to exit last quarter but I still do track this because of its potential.


Although we see this quarter as a good result, for me it is not because has been highlighting that their focus is on molded products.

From the above one can see they are unable to scale the molded business and remains unprofitable.

Also management are announcing capex outside of India, I think there is lack of focus to scale and make the molded business profitable rather than doing everything at once.

The only reason we can see topline and bottomline grow is because paper cycle and reduction in fuel cost


I have a confusion about the product . I know that

  1. Kraft paper are paper bags
  2. moulded product are chuk
    -What is poster paper in their product , what is their use, what they do with that.?
  • salable pulp ?
  • pith pallets?

I understand the first two products but i don’t understand the last 3 yet.

Can anybody tell me??