VP Productivity 2.0: Emerging Moat Deep-Dive Template - Processors

Also attached is an Excel File (from my learning days when I was a heavy numbers cruncher - the only way ratios, and their linkages got into my head then).
Axtel Industries.xlsm (141.9 KB)

I take no responsibility for the inaccuracy of data/formulas used :smile:. Only meant for educational purposes. Clarify what you don’t understand/ appreciate on usefulness/ impact by researching/ asking fellow investors, or by putting a query in Basics questions thread, or reading up yourself.

Below mostly for absolute newbies. NO harm re-iterating!

Hoping everyone here at VP knows about Excel Upload feature at Screener.in. If you don’t that’s a shame! @pratyushmittal/@ayushmit have made/continue to make investing life easier and easier for us. All you have to do is upload this file (after logging in, at Register - Screener). Then for any business you want to next investigate - say Bharat Rasayan for example, Just go to Bharat Rasayan, click on Export to Excel to download, and lo Bharat Rasayan now computed using the same template/framework all in seconds! Don’t think this kind of super functionality exists at any site anywhere in the world. And Free? :roll_eyes: