StageInvesting +Elliot Waves

Other than Railway, PSU, Defence, Shipping, Electrical T&D, Renewables.
Any other sector, in your opinion, is in the favour recently ?

Paper is also an interesting sector

Long been avoided due the assumption it being a sunset sector

Valuation were treated like PSU’s

Also great in terms of dividends offered

1 Like

Have invested in West coast Paper for a while now

It gave opportunity lots of time in forms of bases and reversals


Our new technofunda picks for coming few months :slight_smile:

  1. NCC
  2. IndoCount (ICIL)
  3. KCP
  4. SencoGold

These are not sell and buy recos. These are just new additions to our portfolio.


Hi sir please SHARE your technofunda views on koltepatil developers Ltd and steelcast limited…

Any updates on Dynemic Products after their poor show?

Dear StageInvesting
What factors are considered while evaluating the funda part of technofunda technique.
Many thanks


Sonata Software -Follow-Up
CMP 782 (after 1:1 bonus adjustment)

First posted in Feb 22 :point_up_2:.

After 1 :1 Bonus ( bonus adjusted price is near 1560)

Updated wave count and long -term target (after bonus)

Disclaimer : This post is just an effort for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal and are purely based on our limited knowledge of charts. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors


Hello Stage !
Glad to see your post after long time. :innocent:
We have been missing you on this thread.
Your ideas have given good study materials…keep them flowing.

if not months but we are heading towards it…yes ? :crazy_face:

1 Like

Shriram Finance- Follow-up
CMP - 2106
(Posted in Feb 2023)

No change in the structure.

Updated monthly chart.

Disclaimer : This post is just an effort for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal and are purely based on our limited knowledge of charts. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors


Wockhardt Follow-up
CMP 419

Ealier posted in July 22 when stock was at 215 .Playing as per projection.

Long way to go.

Disclaimer :This post is just for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors.


Jan 23 it broke down below 200, failing the set up and went to 10 yr low of 153…


JKIL Followup
CMP 593

Projected target achieved.


Congrats once again. What are the possible tgt in future for JKIL? Valn still ok & opp size good

Hi StageInvesting.

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us fellow investors.
I must admit that personally, the last one year or so has been quite exciting and fruitful for me as an investor after being introduced to the concepts of Stage Investing through this thread.

Anyway, can you please share your views on ITC in terms of EW. Is it in a correction wave right now ?

1 Like

Hi Stageinvesting,

Can you please share your views on BCL Ind / Pennar / Powermech?

Hi Stageinvesting,

“CMS Info” ROE and ROCE is good and it has good market share. Difficult for new company to entry etc Can you please share your view technical side :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance for your valuable time!

Hi stage, what study material can you throw at us with respect to smallcap index…considering recent beating taken by many constituents.
do you find change into sectoral tailwinds ?

1 Like

A Deeper Correction Has Started
IMG_2560 (2)

In Bull market, everyone is a genius. Even a dart throwing monkey can make great returns.

But we feel that we can help a lot in a side-way or correcting market .

Would like to help if someone wants to check about any stock wrt Elliot Waves or Stage Investing methods ( we’re neither a monkey nor a genius :grinning:)

Happy to help the genuine investors :pray:


Can you please check about Dcx systems and Cochin shipyard?