StageInvesting +Elliot Waves

Thanks a lot for the quick inputs. Actually, i am already holding it from past 2 years. i completely agree it has delivered good returns. The price is maintaining good momentum after the recent pullback, hence i was thinking it is good to hold for some more time.

As in this market, it’s quite tough to find good Fundamental bets aligned with technical charts.

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Can you help with technical analysis of following stocks,

  1. Valiant Organics
  2. Dynemic products
    how much low can they go?

How do we know the stock is bottoming out on Monthly chart ? I mean What are the conditions , indiactors ?


Please share your views on PIX Transmissions.

That session was done by me for explaining basics of technical analysis specifically for beginners

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Hey can I have your opinion on

  1. Prestige
  2. Aegis
  3. Fairchem
  4. sjs
  5. pnc

Thank you in advance

Pix Transmission
CMP 728

It seems to be in Stage 4 as of now. Some corrections is still due. After that it should form a base in Stage 1 (moving in a range) . Stage 1 would indicate the entry and slow absorpition (of supplies) by big hands.
Weekly Chart

Disclaimer :This post is just for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors.


Bottoming out means that price should stop dropping further and price should move in a range. MACD and RSI should look flat , mostly in oversold zones.


Don’t think we need to comment on most of the stocks mentioned by you .

A simple look on price -action of last few weeks and eveb a newbie can judge that many of them are just acting like falling knives.

Fairchem.Prestige ,PNC are falling -Stage 4.

Let them stabilise , form a base in Stage 1 . Only then we can analyse.

SJS - has a very small history hence not suitable for technical analysis method- a stock should see at least one bear market to make any projection about it.

CMP 358

Seems to be at a key resistance zone- should stabilise here .

If it again crosses and closes above its all time high in coming weeks with volumes, then we can assume that next leg of upward journey has started.

Monthly Chart

Disclaimer :This post is just for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors.


Valiant Organics

What help you want here ? There is no pattern here -it is just falling down.

As of now it is just a falling ladder to a bottomless pit !

Let it stabilise somewhere, let it find a ground - that would be stage 1 - only then we can analyse anything.
Monthly chart

Dynemic Products
CMP 260

It is in Stage 4- larger wave 2.

Should stop near 230 -
a) That is rhe lower end of the falling channel
b) Old support zone
c) 78.2% fib retracement of whole wave 1 rise.
Weekly Chart

Disclaimer :This post is just for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors.


Hi do u still hold / track abb power ? What’s your view now, it is just near avg and occasionally going down also .

ABB India
CMP 2932

It is part of our core holdings ,a lkind of family jewel.

We entered from very low level -during Covid correction and we keep on holding this.

Currently it is trying to re-enter the channel. Weekly MACD has given a buy signal.
But it needs to cross/close above 3100 convincingly (with volumes) to starts its next leg.

Weekly Chart

Disclaimer :This post is just for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors.

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Sometimes in stocks in prolonged downtrend, stocks tend to remain well below the 40 month MA you mention often… But in early stage of recovery, after brief base building it goes above 30 WMA and gives an indication of a possible reversal. Though being below 40 MMA we are not too sure about trend reversal. How do you approach such a situation?


thanks , my query was for abb power (hitachi energy), my confusion is same as hitesh bhai , many times share price moves in range below 30wema and touching 40wema occassionaly . what should be our stand

Dear Sir,

Thanks for checking.

In addition to moving averages, we tend to take a view from other indicators - MACD and RSI.

For example, in this case (ABB) , we see daily and weekly MACD has turned into a buy but the doubt remains as monthly MACD remains in sell here .

(But genearally it happens if any upward -wave is balance ,even if monthly MACD has turned into sell and it can turn towards buy later on , and first indications come from daily/weekly MACD turning up)
RSI divergence is other thing we check. For example, we recently took intial postion in SonaComs- because on weekly charts we observed RSI divergence .While price was falling , RSI was not making lower-low and MACD was whipsawing . So we took the cue from RSI.

Apart from that we try to check fib ratios of retracement in addtion to candle patterns.

Hope it helps. :pray:


Hi StageInvesting,
Thank you for teaching all of us through your analysis and it really helps a newbie like me.
What are your views on Galaxy Bearings as a long term pick and is it the right price to accumulate through SIP

Green Panel
CMP 275
We covered it in November ,price was 360.
Going as per projections. :pray:

Thanks for the detailed explanation you have given in recent reply about combination of indicators used.
Pls check chart of Tejas network… results wise it still remains laggard…how u analyse current chart, BSNL 4G deal it is going to execute in coming quarters…thanks

@StageInvesting Manappuram is forming a base in Stage 1 and trying to get into Stage 2. Am I correct?

Tejas Network
CMP 557

Majority of juice has been taken out -stock went from 30 to 770.

One leg of upmove might come in future.

But when?

Well, you can help yourself.

Draw these 5 lines on your weekly chart - 3 blue, 2 red.

In these kind of extended stocks, we always go for pyramiding.

When the price crosses/closes above the 1st tilted blue line, one can add small position. And when price crosses/closes above the horizontal blue lines, one can keep adding to the positions . Last postion should be added once the price crosses all time high.

Red lines show a trading zone -nothing would happen in this except rangebound movement. But if someone is holding and price starts closing below the lower red -line, sell and run away.

Weekly Chart

Disclaimer :This post is just for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors.

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