The destination for Intelligent Screening & Reporting in India

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Hello, can someone tell me how to create an alert for bonus / stock split filings on

@kowshick_kk can you please help? Thanks.

Sir, Creating an alert for bonus or stock split filings on involves setting up specific criteria to notify you when such events occur. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Sign in: Log in to your account.

  2. Set up a Screen: Go to the “Screeners” section and create a new screen or choose an existing one.

  3. Define Criteria: Define the criteria for bonus or stock split filings. You can do this by selecting relevant parameters like bonus ratio, stock split ratio, etc. For example, you might set a condition like “Bonus Ratio > 0” or “Stock Split Ratio > 1:1”.

  4. Save the Screen: Once you’ve set up the criteria, save the screen with a recognizable name.

  5. Activate Alerts: Look for an option to set up alerts within the screen or profile settings. Configure the alert settings to notify you via email or any preferred method when the criteria are met.

  6. Test the Alert: Before relying on the alert system, test it to ensure you receive notifications properly.

  7. Monitor: Keep an eye on your alerts and adjust the criteria if needed to ensure you capture the relevant bonus or stock split filings.

By following these steps, you should be able to create alerts for bonus or stock split filings on

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Thank you @R_Sawkar. I will check this out on screener.

@R_Sawkar i checked; it does not work. There is no query like Bonus ratio in screener.


You need to be a Premium subscriber for that. Get the paid version if you are not. And then go to
Tools => Latest Announcements => Add Filter

Create a filter for the term(s) you require such as “Bonus OR Stock Split”. Then click on Show Results and then click on Add Alert


From, I could only get the current market cap of a company. Is it possible to get the historical market cap (say, the last 5 years as on March 31st)? While few companies, like Infosys, mention it explicitly in their annual report, others, like TCS and HCL, do not. I have browsed through other sites like BSE, NSE, but with no luck. thanks.


yes you can get


Looks like he is looking for Market Cap trends over 5 years… like P/E, PB, Price etc. I had asked in this forum for that feature once. Will be useful as it will be a good tracker to have. Please consider screeener team

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Refer Value Research online website ( ) for Historic market Cap, values at the end of march.
For Infosys sample:

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Hi Mam, Thanks for your suggestion. I have noted it and will share it with our team for consideration. We also provide the Description/Formula of the ratio on the blue box adjacent to the query builder page as shown in the below screenshot.

Hi Sir, You can try the method suggested by @Chandragupta

Hi Sir, The Industry classification is made by our data providers based on the NIC Code provided by the company on their Annual Report. This method might be slightly dated.

Our team is experimenting with new ideas to make it better and this is on our priority list, we will update it in the coming days.


Thank you for your update, please visit this forum once a week for improvement inputs of your platform. Why so much delay in replying.

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The platform " " started to remain DOWN, quite frequently. Any special reason?

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Please check your system settings, been using regularly, not came across such instances with Normal connection without wifi or LAN.

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@Chandan_Sarkar1 might have happened while continuing without unnecessary cache, please try after that.

Is screener app not available on ios?

On my android Screener app whenever i click on any pdf, like results announcement it does not open. Instead it takes me to bse website some page. Until a few months back the pdf used to open. is there a solution?

Team Screener, you should incorporate graphs along with data. Most foreign such sites has this features. Do consider. Thx.