NPST - Technology Provider for UPI Tech

On point number 2, looking at past data, the number for Aug doesn’t seem to be the anomaly, but Jun and July are. Seems odd, this should be clarified in the next con call maybe.

On point number 3, the press note says policy upgrades for Evok 2, not version upgrade from 2 to 3 , would cause the blip. Since they’ve explicitly said a blip is expected, we should clarify this as well.
Hope they know what they’re doing and won’t try to disrupt the momentum :crossed_fingers:


Does anyone know the revenue split of NPST by different products?
And which products are driving the main growth?

By the time you are done about reading existing product, management comes with a new product. That’s how good management is. More than sector , it is the management of NPST on who I bet. They somehow find new product, new clients and they have been doing it for past 3 years so perfectly.
Even if there are lot of headwinds , they will still deliver.

Disc : Invested since 85rs(pre bonus). Heavily biased on promoters.


wow, you have done well by identifying this script so early.

As of last Q it’s 20% from TSP and 80% from evok.

Evok was launched in late 2022. So it’s not even 2 years and this is the contribution. It’s doesn’t take P.HD level math to understand that the near/medium prospects of company are tied to evok/cosmos angle.

They may say whatever on the number of products in pipeline and ready for launch But market may lookout for the prospects of evok ?

Evok topline was linked to transaction value/volume and hence it was easier to show super growth. TSP topline isn’t linked to transaction volume but to number of clients. So the growth was dwarfed by evok. iMHO the million dollar question is, which of future products can have characteristics similar to evok in terms of growth possibility.


For Sep it’s not part of Top 15. Which means it has fallen below the 38.28 Mn volume of 15th ranked player Central Bank of India. Not a good sign. Market would like an explanation.