KRBL- The King of Basmati rice

In your Inventory Days Outstanding, your numerator is your present inventory but your denominator COGS is of 1.5-2 years old. Inventory value has been steadily moving up, but COGS will be volatile given lower procurement cost in some years compared to higher procurement cost in other years. Hence the output of this ratio is not very helpful to me if I look at it alone.

I suggest you to not look at inventory alone. Dive little deeper. Track volume and cost of inventory that is being procured to get complete picture. 1000kg of inventory procured at Rs. 10 makes Rs. 10,000 worth of inventory. But 769kg procured at Rs. 13 also makes inventory worth Rs. 10,000. They have always procured more volume of paddy at lower prices and have been very aggressive when prices are lower.
From below screenshot you can see that they aggressively procured paddy in FY15 and rice in FY16 when prices were lower. So my point is tracking only change in inventory without looking at ongoing paddy prices, volume procured, etc is not of much use (at least to me). Looking at everything together should give you a better view.


Same as above for inventory turnover. If they were not making necessary sale to efficiently manage their inventory, they would not have funded 1008cr worth of WC through internal accruals in last 8 years. Their inventory levels have gone up 4x but Net Debt level has gone up only 2x. Look at slide #12 of my deck to better get what I am trying to say.

At 7000cr worth of inventory in my view they would do top-line of ~14000cr in bad year and ~18000cr in a good year. This is longgggg-way away for now.

I don’t look at FCF for “equity owner” for valuation but I look at “owner earnings”. For example - if KRBL is generating 500cr worth of OCF and 400cr goes towards funding inventory (assuming zero CAPEX), your FCF is 100cr. So you will value the business based of 100cr. But your business has made 500cr and out of which 400cr is ploughed back, earning good ROIC, which is going to increase your business’ intrinsic value. So why should I use only 100cr as my FCF? I am going to value the business based on it’s “owner earnings”. If tomorrow, KRBL management is happy with the scale that they have reached or there is no incremental growth opportunity left, with current inventory levels KRBL on average will keep throwing 500cr cash at you annually. So why should we ignore 400cr worth of earnings for valuation purposes that is ploughed back for future growth. Another example - Tasty Bite Eatable has generated ~155cr worth of OCF in last 10 years and ~135cr of CAPEX. That leaves only 20cr of FCF in last 10 years. It has every year ploughed back money back in business for future growth leaving almost nothing as FCF. Look at the wealth that this business has generated and one would have not valued it properly if one only looked at FCF for valuation purposes.

My central point which I know you have read it before (from Mr. Buffett’s Owner Earnings concept) here is that its safe to treat incremental CAPEX and WC used to generate the growth in business as Owner Earnings/FCFE - as long as you understand the business, trust management, and you have good confidence in its future prospects. Cash spent on CAPEX and WC to grow the business is ultimately going to bring more cash which will be again deployed to grow the business and the cycle will continue forever until management sees growth prospect. It will be good if these investments are funded from internally generated funds or minimal debt. If funded full with debt, then one should be very cautious and skeptical. IMHO - one needs to treat this cash portion differently which is spent towards growth of the business.

One shouldn’t need cash in their hand from a business that is generating >25-30% ROIC. KRBL’s agri business is generating excellent ROIC. Let them plough back OCF to agri business and grow the intrinsic value of the business. Monitor their capital allocation. If they put money in activities which are not ROE accretive, one should pull out. Else, one should happily ride until captital allocation is appropriate and future growth story is in-tact.

Someone asked Buffett how does he value a business. Buffett replied that the value of a business is the present value of all CFs that it will generate from now until the eternity. Munger was in the same room and he tried to pull Buffett’s leg by saying that he has never seen Buffett do DCF. Buffett wittingly replied that there are some things that one should do only privately and DCF happens to be one of those things. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: This I heard in one of the CFA India webinars by Rajeev Thakkar and I believe this is a true story.

So instead of doing DCF by using my assumptions, I try to do reverse DCF using today’s stock price to see what is that market is implying at current stock price. I highly recommend you to read Expectation Investing by Micheal Mauboussin to get a new valuation weapon.

Due to tax and ED issues overhang in last 1-1.5 years, KRBL stock price has been languishing such that I didn’t need to pull out my excel spreadsheet for it’s valuation. Just with simple back of envelope calculation, one could had figured out that one was not paying anything for growth for all this time, in my view. And with it dropping to 92 levels, it’s market cap was ~2200cr and it had ~2000cr worth of inventory in hand. One was getting the entire existing KRBL branded business for almost free and future growth also for free , even after resolving 2000cr tax issue.

Disc: invested and my views will be biased. I’ve added in last 2 weeks.


Latest interview of Anil Mittal today.


This is from my experience in managing & trading Agri commodities …

Inventory accounting in many agri commodities is a big suspect … Same agri commodity can trade within huge price band depending upon quality , year of produce , moisture level etc …

Also agri commodities can decay and lot of this decay or waste practically of zero value inventory is often not written down by firms

Rice , Soya companies are notorious in fooling people who blindly trust their warehouse receipts …

ICICI bank incurred huge losses in 2008 because of it -
Just like Salad oil scandal in American express


# Bangla Rice Exports Stop; Gulf Demand Up

## Truck movement a big concern; new orders from EU & Cambodia


Rice exports to Bangladesh have come to a standstill as truck movement between the neighbours has been halted, even as Gulf nations are placing more orders for the basmati rice variety.

Bangladesh imports basmati rice from Punjab and Haryana, and GItagged aromatic Gobindobhog rice from Bengal.

“This is the time when Bangladesh imports basmati from India for making biryani during Ramadan,” Suraj Agarwal, CEO of Tirupati Agri Trade, told ET. “They also buy lot of Gobindobhog rice from Bengal. But, since trucks are not moving between the two countries, exports have completely come to a standstill.”

Rice prices inched up 10-15% during the lockdown on increased demand. In Bengal, the largest producer of the grain, only 25 -30% of rice mills are operating due to labour shortage.

Gulf nations are, however, placing orders for basmati and are ready to pay in cash. Movement of basmati rice through Kandla and Mundra ports has eased, although non-availability of packaging material is delaying exports.

Exporters have received new orders from the Gulf and the EU in the last one week. “Demand has gone up in GCC countries, particularly in Saudi Arabia. Cambodia, too, is showing good demand,” said Gautam Miglani, owner of Haryana-based LRNK, a leading rice exporter.

Prices of Pusa-1121 basmati have gone up from ₹60-61per kg before the lockdown to ₹65-66 per kg now.


I encourage everyone invested/interested/not interested in KRBL to read this great post by Amey.

@amey153, thank you for putting together this superb post! It took me 10 minutes to read your post but I’m sure you have spent countless hours into investigation for all the KRBL’s issues.

Thank you for enlightening me and your blog readers of ITC’s old issues. I wasn’t aware of them. Possibly this shows market’s suffering of adopted child syndrome as far as dealing with KRBL is concerned when compared to ITC.


Refer to the notes on the latest con-call. I find quite a few positives:

  • In an environment where - HUL is showing de-growth and there is a negative impact on KRBL’s Hotels/Restaurants business - management has guided 10-15% growth for FY21.

  • Setting up packaging unit in West Bengal for Gobind Bhog rice and in Karnataka for Sonamasuri rice i.e. new avenues for growth (non-basmati rice). This would help in moving towards longer term(4-5 yrs) vision of 8k cr revenues

  • Demerge power business - which will boost ROEs


KRBL ties up with Swiggy and Zomato to deliver India Gate Basmati Rice to more than 35 major cities across India.


You have done trumendous work on KRBL had gone thru most of ur posts on KRBL…
I am now mostly convienced with management.
afterall its one and half decade old company.
But still my only doubt is why lender of mr.goel had sold shares at such low prices even when he had enough stock available to pledge more even prices fall beyond one level…

Disc. Not invested

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During sharp falling times, I don’t think rational decisions are taken. In any case we would not know it might be with or without the approval of investor. These are panic times, when positions are broken nothing is seen. That is my guess.

@Kuldeepjadeja bhai - my views have not changed. Its still the same that I shared with you on 6th April, 2020 as below screenshot.


My decision to invest in any business is solely dependent on my understanding and conviction in the business and not about who is owning, entering, or exiting the business. I felt good in a way that Mr. Goel’s unfortunate event brought prices down to very attractive levels where I was able to accumulate some shares of KRBL.


Check shareholding pattern of Srikalahasthi Pipes that came out today, Anil Goel’s holding reduced from 2.13% to 1.68% which is also mostly taken by promoter. - having said that shouldn’t discuss this much as its not that important

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KRBL Earnings Call Transcript of the Conference Call on the business updates as held on Monday, 27 April 2020

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This nice video from Discovery channel provides a good basic understanding about the Basmati rice business and strengths, journey of KRBL.


This video gives u more strength to invest in KRBL.
what ever we are reading about krbl is true then it will be a unicorn investment.
But every time the question comes, If the picture is really so bright then why the stock price was not discovering its real value.
Mr Mohnish pabrai attempted at rupees 600+…
What mister pabrai can see at 600 plus levels other investors cannot see that value at below 200.
It was best among FMCG company because other products can see D growth during current pandemic but krbls products will continue to grow because it was the most essential cooking item.
Disc. Tracking

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The below development is causing a cause of concern for some agrichem companies in the country, but can this be a blessing in disguise for rice exporters? They have been lobbying for pesticide ban so that it can open up Europe and US markets for them. KRBL’s own footprint in Europe is negligible and this can be a potential area of growth.

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The results looks good. Investor presentation seems to address almost all the questions raised by investors.

Very detailed presentation this time (similar is case with LT Foods). Looks like both companies are focusing on reducing debt and giving detailed investor communication.

Rice being an essential consumable should have minimal impact from slower demand.

Disclosure: Invested in both