Green Hydrogen as a Fuel - Indian Companies leading the Green Revolution

Insightful discussion on the Hydrogen phenomenon:

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Thanx for posting…
There is a saying “Every Struggle is an Opportunity” – Never Lose Your Hope !
Hype is good as it keeps your Hope afloat.:slightly_smiling_face:

The analyst’s knowledge on the subject seems good.
Had seen similar you tube video’s quite a few exactly on similar heading.
Having said that, as technology evolves, things change very fast.
A couple of years back it was thought that renewable would power electrolyser to produce hydrogen and then with help of fuel cell , electricity would be produced to feed grid for grid stability. The concept still remains valid. but we are lagging behind production of low cost electrolyser and fuel cell.
So , electrolyser- Fuel cell duo not getting introduced so soon for grid scale electricity… A cheaper option such as Hydro pump storage is being installed in a big way to directly use Renewable energy to feed the Grid…Even ACC is being given a chance for storage of renewable.

However, one can not deny the electrolyser role in producing green hydrogen from water and Green hydrogen to be used for fertiliser , steel, refineries. This is the only way, though Blue hydrogen with CCUS in Indian context can not be ruled out.

Earlier , for Automobiles, it was thought that the only sustainable solution is Hydrogen -Fuel cell EV. Still the concept remains and vehicles are being rolled out in advanced countries. At the same time , one quick solution is to go for hydrogen ICE which has zero carbon emission. The advantage is the same diesel petrol ICE platform will use hydrogen fuel and you do away with expensive Fuel cell.
Believe me , every auto company in india is having a Hydrogen ICE vehicle in trial run.

yes challenges remain in hydrogen dispensing stations for automobiles at present. but as we move on , filling stations will come up like EV charging stations are coming up very fast.
We had faced similar challenges when CNG was introduced some 15 years back. But today we have a plenty of CNG filling stations around the country and even two wheelers are running on CNG , apart from cars , trucks and buses. Today Maruti rolls out one CNG car for every 3 cars they produce.

The point is we are importing 85 % of our crude requirement to meet our diesel petrol demand. And there is a lot of scope to become self reliant in all.posdible ways.


ARAI-The Automotive Research Association of India has received thirteen technical bids from Automobile manufacturers for pilot projects for the use of green hydrogen in Automobiles

ARAI is the only agency mandated to approve new Automotive products in India

(1) Hardeep S. Puri on Success of PM Modi’s Transformative Schemes & India’s Energy Revolution | ACP 70 - YouTube

Here is one video, on How the govt is thinking regarding Green Hydrogen and Energy Security on a broader scale. (Time Stamp around 18.00min)

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Very informative conversation. Honourable minister Hardeep Puri is a very good speaker and along with Mr Nitin Gadkari , they seem to have a lot of ideas which they would like to implement. Whatever may be their qualifications, they are knowledgeable well informed on the subject especially related to different modes of alternate fuels for

He has covered all topics on emerging trends in automotive technology - starting from CNG, BCG, Ethanol blending program, EV , Electrolysers , renewables- solar ,wind on shore and off shore.

On Green hydrogen, he says given a choice he would like to bring down the cost of Green H2 to 1 USD a kg and it is possible given the fact that India imports185 Billion USD on toxic fossil fuels - crude and our consumption rate is increasing 3 times than that of the developed nations. At this rate we will touch 200 billion USD imports very soon putting a lot of pressure on our exchequer.
If we divert this fund to make Green hydrogen , then we can put all our might to get a cheaper green hydrogen.
I totally agree with his views - given the current challenges of Huge crude imports bill and that too with a lot of uncertainty Due to geopolitical situations and crude price volatility, it makes a lot of sense- we have all ingredients to make green hydrogen a sustainable future fuel - we are perhaps the only nation in the world - lucky to be blessed by Mother Nature with year round Sun light , wind , Water and vast Land Mass to put up solar plants , wind mills both on shore and off shore - we are surrounded by sea from all around .And we have no dearth of human talents.

Hope the Minister will walk the talk if Modi 3 comes to power…and it makes sense since both the dual challenge of meeting carbon emission and at the same time Self reliance - Atma Nirbhar Bharat…
However , for now , what initiatives have already been taken is only a trailer - full movy yet to be played


Indian Biogas Association (IBA) joins hands with Hydrogen Association of India (HAI) to promote hydrogen

IBA and HAI join forces to advance green and blue hydrogen production, targeting significant market growth. The partnership aims to drive sustainable energy solutions and policy advocacy, supporting India’s green energy goals and overall sustainable development.

It is no brainer that Bio Gas is nothing but Methane - the same molecule as CNG.
So Methane CH4 can be broken down to produce Hydrogen Gas. The only difference is Bio Ga is renewable where as CNG is not.

sir can you tell me some rising proxies players in this sector

Global pipeline of hydrogen electrolysis projects grew by 55 GW in past six months.Total capacity of announced projects now stands at about 1,200GW,

Germany starts blending 30% Hydrogen with 70% natural Gas for CGD.

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PSU stocks that are planning for IPOs for their Green Energy business


India awards tenders for 412000 tonnes of Green hydrogen production-1.5 GW electrolyser manufacturing


Has anyone studied in detail the ongoing efforts to drill for hydrogen instead of trying to manufacture it?

Yes , you could find several posts on this subject under this thread…
You can go through to get some insights.
The point is every thing is on trial basis…if there are couple of places where reserves has been foun…but it may not be everywhere. And cost effectiveness also an issue .
So as of today , Green hydrogen through electrolysis of water seems to be the only viable option


While India is blessed with Adequate sunlight and wind and huge land mass to set up solar panels and wind mills to produce renewable, and also we have sufficient water to Electrolyse and produce green hydrogen, our strategy is more broad based than many other nations like Japan , Singapore , Europe where all the above said enablers ingredients required to produce Green hydrogen may not be there. Japan and Singapore are just islands, Highly dense population with hardly any land mass. European nations are very small though highly industrialised donot have the adequate sunlight and wind.
So , if we exploit the opportunities, Indian can become a export hub for green hydrogen and Green Ammonia. And I think we have initiated our broad based plan as per the link below of MNRE.- please refer the last link.

we have a 20,009 INR crore plan to start with with direct subsidy incentives for green hydrogen, we have pli scheme for electrolyser , shipping hub, Green hydrogen hub across select locations, we have mobility project , low carbon steel pilot project , CBG to hydrogen , coal gasification with CCUS, Allocation R&D, Allocation for Ammonia and a host many other things we have started to build Green hydrogen ecosystem.

what are the Green hydrogen Strategies being adopted by different nations ?

They may not have a broad based plan like ours but these countries are also coming out with strategies to produce / import / export / trade in Green hydrogen. For example Japan is coming out with a 15 year plan , Australia for a 10 year plan…But we donot know the enablers. May be they would do that in due course



Volvo to roll out its first Truck with Hydrogen combustion Engine

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GAil inaugarates 10MW PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) using 20 MW solar plants

producing 4.3 TPD of Hydrogen



To make affordable Green hydrogen 3M says “Bring us your problems”

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How Solar Companies are Surpassing big Oil in Energy production efficiency, longevity and environmental impact !

An interesting read for 7-8 mnts for all of us interested in understanding the future prospects of renewable energy

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