Green Hydrogen as a Fuel - Indian Companies leading the Green Revolution

Well taken your point and Agree to your point on EV which I had suspected in sept 23…link below from another thread.Maruti delayed their EV, but played very well with Hybrids.

However , The whole world is moving towards Decarbonisation as long as Renewable energy like Solar wind is available as a power source , new battery technology and capacity comes up EV will coexist.

in my view, green hydrogen story is here to stay as for Decarbonisation there is no other alternative to green hydrogen as of date. it is the ultimate, though things may take time in spite of the entire world working tirelessly… it is not only as a source of power / energy for the Automobiles, ships, trains, even aeroplanes , but as Green feed stock for fertilisers , refineries , steel.plants and many other industries. The ultimate is Green hydrogen feeding the Grid.