Businesses with 'MOAT'. Investment Strategy & Discussions

I agree that portfolio is skewed towards Gland, The reasons are.

  1. We were in the verge of quitting direct equity investing in November-2020; because, portfolio was not in good shape & we could not handle our hyper emotions (Temperaments) driven by market volatility and constant peer competition/comparisons, which made us feel that direct equity investments are not for us.
  2. We decided, we will continue equity investing if only Gland’s IPO is allotted and it performs good after allotment (Had more than 15 unsuccessful attempts of IPO application).


  1. We consider Gland is a leader in it’s niche injectable manufacturing segment and it is performing with the numbers quarter after quarter. Gland Pharma- Generic Injectables - #123 by Rafi_Syed
  2. Key triggers which are anticipated are
    a) Successful foray into Vaccine (Sputnik lite) manufacturing and shipment. Gland Pharma- Generic Injectables - #124 by Anand_Investor
    b) Which might open bigger doors for Bio-CDMO opportunity
    c) Successful entry into china (Next biggest market after US) and INDIA (Growth already seen, though on a lower base) will give a long runway for growth. Gland Pharma- Generic Injectables - #125 by Dev_S

Because the position size is good as you say “” Position sizing hai khaas, baaki sab bakwaas" ", has influenced me so much.

Will hold on to Gland for some time before trimming.

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