Bajaj Finance Limited

RBI will need to give forbearance on the loans along with a rate cut,that is a given now.

Everything has come to a standstill.

This is not a company specific problem,the Corona problem will impact all lenders across the board.

Some specifics w.r.t Bajaj Finace:

1.Existing customers form 68% of the loan book.

2.Company completed ₹8,500 crores of capital raise through QIP in November 2019.

3.They focus on mass affluent and above category.

4.Company has already been in cautious mode in auto finance, unsecured personal loan and business loans.

5.Credit costs for them have been 150 bps on average.

6.FY20E Book Value:550 per share.


Let us try to analyse the situation with a clear head.

The way i would think about it is

  1. When in doubt, “INVERT , ALWAYS INVERT”

Now let us start on each one by one
Ask yourself a simple set of questions
a. IF and when everything around this coronavirus settles,
will people spend on discretionary spending,
in that case who will be the best lenders that would be left there to lend that and
already have impeccable frameworks to do that in place.

b. Now coming to present situation,

	 how many of NBFC have 7-8% of their books as hard cash/overnight funds
	 how many of NBFC have +ve ALM matches from 15 days - 5 yrs buckets
	 how many of NBFC have a advances book of 1L Cr+ and NNPA of .6%
	 how many of NBFC have a granular deposit base of 18% of their borrowings
	 how many of NBFC have the gunpowder ready to lend in future
	 @ incrementel rupee cost of 7% fully hedged in current scenario
	 how many of NBFC can generate 75% of incremental loans from current customer base
	 how many NBFC have the commanding power to reprice their Loans and what is the avg.
	 loan churn rate for what percentage of book (40% of book avg. churn rate < 6 months)
	 how many NBFC have a sticky fee income to PBT contribution exceeding 30%

	Yes, prefect the storm is there and in future too the storms will come,but then
	it is the
  • agility
  • granular focus
  • diversification of asset and liability base
  • capital discipline
  • and above aLL HONESTY and INTEGRITY of the driver
    that would lead to separation/churning of WINNERS from LOSERS
  I am not an expert on the exact percentage, till what time, how much EPS, how much of the book,
  how much of the downside, where is the exact bottom etc. etc

  BUT YES, for sure once things settle down
  in the next 3 years when the peers would be scrambling to consolidate their shackles
  BAFL would be in a a commanding position to garner market share very very rapidly and with the money getting printed by foreign regulators

this money will look for assets classes and will blindly start chasing such growth engines both actively and passively

The kind of franchises are not built in years it takes decades of discipline, practice, dedication and
ability to learn/apply from failures that build truly almost non fragile business.
The incentive here is that while many will FALL, only the strongest one would SURVIVE AND FLOURISH.

Curretly with 1.43L Cr book BAF is 1.6% of total India credit. Imagine where it or how many
like it would be able to truly sustain including Corona, elections, EuroZONe crisis etc etc
and what not if INDIA as a country would see next 2 decades.

The whole point of Valuations/P.B/P.E is just optical for franchises like this unless it is actually
very nonsensical.

Even if there is no EPS growth for this one year, & the next 3 years it is again 30%+ with incremental
MS gains for survivors like BFAL, trying to find out bottoms is a foolish exercise.

Disclosure : My views can be heavily biased and i can be totally wrong in my theory.


i feel the current dip in Bajaj finance is the “nestle moment” for it.
During Nestle’s Maggi crisis too, people floated a lot of theories about how patanjali will crush nestle and how the news of lead has permanently damaged nestle.


I think you missed the point… interest receivable from customers is not lost, its postponed. So if Bajaj pays, for example, hdfc bank interest for 3 months… it will charge interest from customers also. Though Bajaj has to pay interest on time, while customers will start to pay the interest to bajaj 3 months after cooling off period in form of enhanced EMIs or enhanced EMI Tenure.

So, its basically ALM issue ie. a cash flow difference which should not impact bottom line…


Good analysis - Rating downgraded
Bajaj Finance Ltd - Bernstein.pdf (1.1 MB)


I would have been really happy if they had released this report when BF stock was quoting at Rs. 4.8K :slight_smile: They have downgraded HDFC Bank also.
I strongly feel the handful of financial companies who will do better after this fiasco would be companies like Kotak Bank, HDFC Bank and Bajaj Finance at the expense of weaker players!!

Disclosure: BF in my top 5 holdings


Can we calculate the amount that bajfinance has borrowed but not lent out yet.
(May be bajfinance borrowed anticipating to lend it out in april or customer have paid back and bajaj finance is not able to lend it out)
Bajaj finance might have to incur interest costs on its long-term liabilities, without earning corresponding interest. which might cause a loss as a function of corona shutdown time

I was lookig Q3 presentation - (

Few negative points, which management has already informed in this presentations are -
(1) Search trends on our large keyword portfolios across loan and consumption categories electronics, mobile, furniture, apparel) reflected a significant demand slowdown in Q3
(2) Consolidated liquidity buffer (free cash and cash equivalents) was ₹ 11,642 crore as of 31 December 2019 - Due to lower disbursement this will add interest cost in Q4
(3) Loan losses and provisions grew by 84% YoY in Q3 FY20 to ₹ 831 crores
(4) AUM growth in Auto Finance 51% - CORONA might impact loan payment on auto

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  1. Taking a bet on bajaj finance. is taking a bet on the india consumption story. If consumption stops, then indias story is slowing down.
  2. A large portion of the Rs. 11.6k Cr could be from their equity raise, which they don’t have to pay interest for.
  3. Their NNPA is 0.7% , thats close to the best

Lets do some worst case math. Assume

  1. no loan origination for 6 months.
  2. credit cost spike of 200 bps.


  1. Interest cost = ALM mismatch would be 28k CR (pg 24 q3FY20 inv presentation), assuming 8% interest for 80% of it. Thats 1800Cr.
  2. Credit cost = 2% of 145k Cr. 2900cr.

Book value drops by 2900+1800 = 4700Cr.
Current book value 30k Cr - 4.7kCr = ~25Cr.
5 times book = 125k Cr. (Assuming RoA is around 4 and leverage 6. 24 RoE. deserves atleast 5 times book)
FV around 2000-2100.

Any holes in my math?


very very nice. can you help me understand what you mean by float. Bajaj finance creates a fee income of 30% of PBT. While this may be used to offset the opex. They still have to pay interest on their borrowings. where as float is free money?

Perhaps a classic case of upgrade and downgrades happening after price action .
Generally speaking, Many a times , a lot of reports become positive on positive price action and vice versa .
I too many a times committed mistake of impulsive selling on research reports till now .

Just some days back was watching on television , a person who recommended a reputed bank at high price as being cheap was considering it to be costly and an avoid after the price fell . Views also change and quality change to no quality in no time and vice versa . It serves as an example and provides a lot of learning on Hitesh bhai @hitesh2710 always warns newbies like us on only considering relevant information.
Pls also read the yes bank thread as suggested by Hitesh bhai @hitesh2710 as it really gives a vicarious learning experience and it pointed out loopholes in my thinking as to how emotions ebb between high and low tide .
Thank you so much Hitesh bhai :pray: for shortening our learning curve through sharing your experiences gained by hardwork which otherwise would have been painful had we experienced things ourselves .
Would love to know your view Hitesh bhai on Bajaj finance?

Disc - Invested . Above is not a buy/sell recommendation and am not a sebi registered analyst.


One excellent learning from Yes bank -
Once a market darling company if get sick, FII/DII and other main investors are getting first hand information about sickness/symptom of the disease. However, they keep floating some good / manipulated news keeping price from crash and slowly and steadily selling their stack. However, retail investors who were looking at the peak price, after correction in prices believe that story is intact and this is life time opportunity to get into it based on past price anchoring point and increasing their stack. Finally big bull exit safely with minor injury and retail (pigs) get slaughtered!
Learning - If there is a serious price correction in market darling stock, be careful as market is always smarter than us!


Some Stocks Get higher valuations for Growth / Liquidity Chasing it and the grand story that is built around it. Off course business has to be fundamentally sound. However, as often people know price of everything but cost (risk) of such trade is rarely analysed. In such cases the moment the growth story look doubtful all the above three make the reverse roll. Growth vanishes so valuation look crazy, over ownership leads to herd selling and the story often forgotten. In all probability as the valuation went beyond reasonable levels on the upside, the same would happen on the down side. So to predict any FV for the stock would be difficult.


Why 5 times book and not 1 or 0.8 time book …
If a bank / NBFC is not growing valuation is normally < 1 time book

Well if you go by fundamentals of valuations, its not growth but ROE which defines what price to book is appropriate. If risk free rate is 6% and a company is earning an ROE of 18%, then P/B of max ~3 times is considered fare.

That is correct, without growth there is a potential for NPA amounts to go up lowering ROEs. Plus, this economic cycle was on the back of retail credit, in each new cycle there is a new leader which is different from the past leader. We have already seen corporate stress, its probably time for retail stress.

@kb_snn This is a critical point. This is very visible from Edelweiss Q3 presentation. As Rashesh Shah more conscious about liquidity + reduced loan growth resulted drastically reduction in ROE (RoE 15.6% in Q3FY19 to 4.1% Q3FY20) which reflected in stock price (pendulum effect) currently !

In NBFC - Reduction in growth + high cost of capital + high NPA+Low ROE all are connected to result pendulum effect in stock price! Hope, Edelweiss moment will not appear in Bajaj finance!

Disc - not holding but want to invest at reasonable price hence my view are biased on sell side!


Data ( profiles) and analytics has been a strength and differentiation for BFL - reasonable to believe that BFL would have seen situations getting from bad to worse.

What would a prudent mgmt do

  1. Ability to raise & preserve cash and scale down on exp as needed - recent fund raise and outsourced ops help here.
  2. if value is seen - buyback during mayhem - signs are visible.
  3. Avoid unnecessary defending in media - DHFL, Yes, Edelweiss and many such gives frantic sessions etc - BFL has been rational here so far.
  4. Agility to create new biz verticals - insurance emi, pre approved credit lines for future usage - expect some innovation from them soon.

Discounting next 2 Qtrs for a flat/negative growth seem to be a good case as done by fellow members is apt + could also dilute premium that mkt attached to them over last decade. Entry price is Individual call but IMHO value is emerging for those with convictionin business + mgmt.

Be safe!!


Completely agree, and therefore, although listen to all, but we must ignore all noises - be it coming from anyone. It is only we who know what investment style suits us. Please do homework to understand that style, rather than anything else. The greatest actionable in this circumstance should be to understand our own investing style and what works best for us. Listen to all but do on our own, what we must do - for be it Bajaj Finance or HDFC Bank - people have made and lost huge money in both. Thanks

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I could easily relate to the below thoughts of WB. It happens to even the best. So don’t worry. Eat, pray and sleep well. Stay safe that is of utmost importance and wear that smile and mask on you face.

Remember 2+2 will always be 4 and that holds on both sides of being over pessimistic as well as over optimistic. Let the churn happen and the best would strive and thrive and it rightfully has the right to do so.
