TRIDENT - World’s Largest Integrated Textile Manufacturer

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Trident annual report Financial Year 2022

What is the fresh view of our experts on the Trident group. The stock seems to be consolidating for almost a year now while the future looks bright for the Textile manufacturing and exports. Does Trident have a potential to give a multi bagger return from here?

Some negatives observed are below due to which the investment decision is very difficult and need help -

  1. Sales and Profit growth is not consistent
  2. Degrowth in Revenue and Profit QoQ
  3. Negative Cash flow due to Investing activities. Fixed asset purchased of around 797 crore and around 400 crores of negative return from other investing activities. Unable to track the investments.
  4. Auditor Resigned
  5. Income tax department raids. Unable to find the outcomes.

Will really appreciate insights from the experts here.

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