The destination for Intelligent Screening & Reporting in India

:grinning: Glad to hear that…

@ayushmit appreciate the efforts and the hard work towards making it next-gen. However, removing the watch list is a big loss (both in terms of effort and potentially monetary also :wink: Can you please at least restore the watch list for a while, so that we can copy over the names. You can then remove it again, or whatever. Please.

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Can somebody help me why I am not able to access the from my browser.

Anybody facing such difficulty.

chirag jain

Have send you a message. Plz check and let us know.

@ayushmit not sure if that was for me, but I discovered that clicking on ‘add company’ reveals the other companies in the watch list too. Woohoo. :grinning:


I can’t find my old watchlist. It had a host of statistics on one page which I liked very much. Now it has gone. How do I get it back. I tried but with no joy.
Please help

Also, as you are re writing parts of the site is it possible to have a few features. Perhaps you could have a wish list section which readers can write to and could be included in future upgrades. The ones I wish for below is trivial (I think) to implement.

My wish list:

  1. multiple watchlists
  2. industry/sector linkages to the script.
    Something similar to the Edelweiss screener, which unfortunately lack more functionality.
  3. Finally some variable which could be called free cash flow (how so ever defined). It would be easier for the uninitiated to implement.

Many thanks and in hope

Hi Guys

Just have a basic issue: if i have registered my profile in screener using an old email id, i cannot find an option to change my email id and update the same on screener profile to seek alerts…

Is there a way out?


ROE for Force Motors for last three Years is calculated as -3.27%

However company has been profitable during last three years.

Is it wrong or I am missing Something.


Hi ayush, was wondering about the disappearance of " working capital" on application of funds side of the balance sheet ! Can you help with this!

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Quick suggestion. Please look at Value Line that is US based stock database publication. In one single page they give lot of details on single stock. very useful. You may get some good ideas from that. Please see if you can eventually create online Value Line equivalent for Indian stocks :blush:

Great effort and I appreciate your good work.

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Thanks @ayushmit @pratyushmittal for giving the old screener back. :grinning:

hi any one knows how to get the export to excel feature now
I had customised my excel sheet and missing that for my analysis


Thanks for a great tool. Long time user.

If I paste a company name in the search box, it doesn’t find anything. I need to press backspace to delete a character (or some keyboard input) to find the company. In the old screener, this used to work fine.

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Firstly great product with relevant features. Just posting to get confirmation on query regarding exporting customised excel. In case your visibility is regarding greater period of time required for adding the feature, then will pro-actively work on building a tool. Just wanted to confirm prior to putting in the efforts.




What is correct way to calculate ROA? Is it Profit before tax/Assets or Profit after Tax/Assets. I think screener is using Profit before Tax.

When we see the Annual results for some companies the screener shows Mar 14 as last year and some companies Mar 15 as Last year. Is this some kind of error? Some companies example listed below

Premco -Mar 14
Kaveri seeds -Mar 14
Ajanta Pharma -Mar 15
Poly Medicure -Mar 14


The export to excel button seems to be missing… have i done something incorrectly?

Has it been removed? I would attach an image, but I don’t see an attach option.

Please help!


Wednesday, Sep 09, 2015


Siyaram Silk Mills. The operating profit figures are not correct.

The annual nos are updated after the annual reports are published - so its happening as the reports are getting published.

Hi Sanjay,

The new screener is being built from scratch…hence some of these features will take sometime to come back.
