Value Investor with 20 years of investing experience in Indian stock market.
I as a fundamental investor typically research and analyze the stocks using company financial statements, industry reports, investor conf calls, company presentations, peer comparison etc. I do thorough valuation using at least 2-3 valuation methodologies. I invest when market price is well below intrinsic value; as computed by me using very conservative assumptions. I only buy good quality companies. I tend to hold for many years. My portfolio turnover is typically 20% or less. I am greatly influenced and inspired by these investing greats...Graham, Buffet, Schloss, Klarman, Howard Marks, Peter Lynch, Bruce Greenwald, Sanjay Bakshi.
Apart from value investing I also have 23 years of experience in technology industry in product development and product engineering domain.
I would love to meet and talk to Pune based investors who have similar interest in fundamental based investing.