The destination for Intelligent Screening & Reporting in India

Would you please check and add the company Blue Chip Tex Industries Ltd. to the The page for the company in VP indicates, the company was in screener at some point of time, but I cannot find it now.

Edit I found the name. The spelling needs to be corrected from “bluechip Tex Industries” to “Blue Chip Tex Industries”.
Thank you!

Could you please add Beneish M score to the screener? Thanks!

@ayushmit @pratyushmittal

Please change the Notification links back to BSE site.

NSE site is very irritating always opens/goes to ZIP file and difficult to open in mobile & Tabs.

Thanks & Regards


@ayushmit Like the provision to “Add Detailed Comparison”, would you please consider adding “Add peer comparison” to add one or more ‘temporary’ peer to compare ? Edit : I am talking about peer comparison part of info as rthat is a nutshell quick review with customisable columns, not the “detailed comparison” which already exists and helpfiul. But when I add using it, it will not add a peer comparison data as of now . This is especially helpful for initial screening when you deciding between multiple similar names to decide in-depth study (using detailed comparison) on few.

Eg: I was looking at Tata Motors, Maruti not listed as a peer, so if I like to add Maruti, Hero Honda etc though they are different, but I am like to have quick peer comparison among them in same sector of automobiles.

Hi james that utility exists. Even if it is not listed as a peer you can compare any company with any company on key parameters.

Edited the question to make it clearer, not about detailed comparison but only preliminary comparison.

Is there a way to download the screen in an excel sheet?


If you register yourself in screener if gives you this feature to download in excel

You can only download information for a company in excel but not the whole lists of stocks of a screen.

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I notice that Screener has now moved to obtaining updates from NSE. Is there any particular rationale for this? I personally dislike the additional step of having to download the ZIP file and opening it.



Humble request to do so.
it is very important for us and i am sure, team will be willing to keep us happy!

Some newly listed companies don’t have industry listed against their name so this doesn’t enable screener to show proper peer comparison. Can this be fixed? Please refer the screenshot attached. Apart from Avenue and Chemcrux, no other company has their industry listed.

@pratyushmittal @ayushmit Guys please resolve.

Awaiting for this change. hope will be done quickly.

Dear Boarders,

I need a help in seeing the 1yr,3yr,5yr returns of stocks

in a sense i want to create custom coloums which can show me on any screens

if it is possible to drag it through existing ratios, kindly guide me


there are variables in screener that call the market caps 3,5,7, and 10 years ago. You will have to tinker with them to see if they suit your requirements

Is there any way to get historical PE? This was available an year back.

There are variables in screener that call historical PEs 3, 5,7 and 10yrs back but i am not sure they work properly. They return blanks most of the time. You could use the export to excel facility to see the historical PE ratios.

I am not able to access my screens, though I get alerts for those screens. What is the path to access the screens?

Does this industry PE method not work anymore? Shows up as 0.00 for any search

Thank q for changing Notification links back to BSE. CHEERS