VP Productivity 2.0: Emerging Moat Deep-Dive Template - Processors

Now! Good to see this getting serious traction!! :slight_smile:
Genuinely scared whether we (have raised hopes too high, and) will be able to do justice to your wishes/aspirations.

Also hoping everyone putting up a hand here is a serious learner/believer in collaboration(no matter how senior/junior an investor you are) which means accepting other contributors as they are without judgement, showing others a better way by your own hunger/initiative, trying to emulate senior styles you admire (fastest way for some of their talents to rub off on you) and in general proving to be a Team Player - stepping in when others have genuine reasons for slack, also challenging others to up the game by personal example, yet showing courtesy and patience always!

Attached is the current Fund Manager - Analyst Deep Dive Template (2).pdf (6.2 MB) (continuously being improved)

Since there is already a large number of volunteers building up, maybe its a good idea for us seriously interested deep-divers to start serious practice using the current deep-dive Template for your own favourite current business (aligned & picked from the VP Stock Story thread).

And Upload here on this thread back, when you are happy with what you have come up with - say after 3-4 self-revisions - means you have made sure publicly available info on business (research reports, VP threads, other blogs/forus, Management interviews, Concalls et al is exhaustively scanned/analysed …serious pursuit, right :wink:) …at your own level of investor maturity …which is totally acceptable. What @ayushmit and Me appreciate most and like to encourage is hard work and the surprise element in when someone else discovers something/some angle (no matter how small) that we missed.

We will get the more accomplished among us to help the newbies/young learners out to do a more complete job, progressively till all our levels are sufficiently improved.

Hope you all got it…and excuse the lengthy speel …unavoidable if we have to get everyone on same page! quickly!