Vivek Gautam Portfolio

With so many Pharma names and opportunities around…also likes of Cipla and dr Reddy in same league as gland and similar valued…why you want to go for a new name…is it for diversifying or you see something in gland which these already listed players miss? Thanks

Borrowed conviction doesnt work. Plz do the homework n build your own conviction on Gland pharma n pharma sector . Several useful links already posted in my PF thread

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Thanks, I never buy a single share on borrowed conviction. I just wanted to know your thoughts on Gland Pharma as that is what this forum is for and you keep vouching for it every few days. You are most welcome not to share as well. Thanks

Perhaps I was not able to frame my question ell. Let me try again.
There are certainly sectoral reasons for exiting, such as the ILFS crisis for banking+finance.
However, there can be company-specific reasons for exiting a company as well. I was wondering, how do you decide whether poor quarterly performance from a company (for 1,2,3,4 quarters) is something temporary and wherein a long-term investor can add more, or is it a sign of things to come and hence it is worth exiting the stock/company?

Rationale already shared my dear friend in this thread. plz go thru the appropriate links.

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Applied in Burger King IPO due to huge opp size expected good cagr ,good sector n quality promoters.

May buy more on listing on 14 Dec 20 with 2-3 year POV


Gland pharma now 2438 after listing at 1700 on 20 Nov 2020 n giving ample opp to buy to everyone.

Hope all VPers following this thread benefited.


Hi Vivek, Could you please share your view on IRCTC OFS?

IRCTC is a monopoly with clean balancesheet but recent run up to 1700 is very sharp & here comes the OFS. Size is also large . Apply if FPI interest is large. over 2-3 year period it shud do well once vaccination arrives n train services n catering are back to normal


BURGER KING bt in pre open as already told earlier.

Mkt cap still low vs huge opp size for India QSR consumption play

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IRCTC OFS giving Gland pharma type returns courtesy firm allotment in both hni n retail category at 1378.

Instt portions was subscribed 2 times even though size of ofs was huge at 4300 crores.

With stake sale overhang gone no wonder IRCTC is at 1480 1 day after OFS.

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Possibly silly qn- but how do u buy in the pre open period. my understanding was that 1st hour is price discovery and then the buying/selling opens post that

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Its akin to daily pre open between 9 to 907 am mkt… if your bid is more then the discovered balance price u get at lower balance price only. For eg I bid today at 117 but got Burger King at 112.5 at NSE in pre open.

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Congratulations! The accuracy with which you keep picking stocks and IPOs is amazing! Also, I see that you bet heavy so thats lot of confidence behind your picks.

On lighter note, with this rate I think you can soon retire even from investing :pray:


Reposting my investment journey ppt for reading & learning pleasure of this wonderful group specially new members. Hope all find it useful.

Investment Journey Learning & Thesis.pptx (186.1 KB)