ValuePickr Generics Pharma Dashboards - Focusing on asking the right questions!

@crazymama When I search for applicants like Ipca, Torrent pharma i got the info about the patents they have filed but when I try to search Granules India it does not show anyone in applicants. Granules is having API, PFI and Finished dosages, then why it is not showing in that list?

Also, on when we search the drug if its shows negative growth then what does that mean? Is that drug showing negative growth for that particular company and competitors has launched similar drug or overall the drug demand is reduced?

Also, is there any source from where we can get the info regarding the clients of a pharma company in case of APIs?

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Hi Everyone,

I am not able to download the Template,

Can anyone help me out with the same?



Hello Nityanand,

I was able to find the related patents.

Suggest to use the advances search. Used the below search string to get the relevant results.

applicant:(Granules India)

Regarding the sales figures couple of points to keep in mind -

  • They are the complete global sales figures.
  • Reasons for negative growth could be attributed to either patent-expiry/launch of generics (which could be validated separately) or launch of better molecules with better efficacy rates for the targeted therapies ( best exemplified by Sovaldi with 99% cure rates against Olysio which had 95% cure rate and not effective against half the US patients with Q80K polymorphism )

There is no particular source for API sources other than through concalls/research reports.


Hello Ateek,

Do not see any issues with the Template link.
Have shared u the link via DM.


Hello All,

Due to lots of changes in Pharmacompass UI Layouts, the data was unable to be scraped properly into the google spreadsheets. Additionally, i felt there was lot of delay in terms of data-fetch and processing.

I had decided to go to the direct source of the data from the FDA data files and create a Tableau dashboard.

VP Pharma Dashboard - Tableau

Below is a sample snapshot of Alembic - Linezolid

Did some preliminary testing and found minor issues due to missing patent data (as in case of Celebrex). Would appreciate if others can try it out and let me know of any major data issues.

1 Source Link: Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations | Orange Book | FDA
Data reflects before Dec 12, 2015

2 Tentative approvals are not part of the data files.

Edit on Feb 6:
Added Trade/Brand Name filter to NDA Report.



Created another dashboard especially for @ankitgupta :grinning:

ValuePickr DMF Dashboard


Thanks for creating this @crazymama. It’s a great template where one can get data at one place for generic players competing and date of approvals for them. Would be extremely helpful.

@ Vishnu Hai Vishnu regarding the Pharma tableau 1 - there are 3 searches in that the first one is Generic companies , the next one is NDA WITH PATENT AND EXCLUSIVITY data and ANDA AND 180 day exclusivity .

I tried searching CIPLA in NDA with patent search and I did not get any patents information about Cipla . And in the ANDA search I tried searching ABACAVIR SULFATE for which CIPLA is having a ANDA but I couldn’t find it in the Tableau .

If I am not wrong the NDA and Patent exclusivity search should show the patent holder for the drugs and ANDA and exclusivity search should show the ANDA holders for a particular drug . But I am not getting the proper results . Please correct if I am wrong anywhere . I’m using it for the first time . Or am I using it incorrectly ?

Hello @ragavqt

Was bit busy.
With respect to the issue u have faced, i had mentioned at the time of posting the dashboard itself, that Tentative Approvals were not part of the data source i had used.
Moreover, ANDA filers will not have any patent associations in the Orange Book. Only the innovators will have patent information specified against their name for a given product.

I have created a new dashboard taking the best data source which is updated every weekly on Wednesday. In this data source, Tentative approvals are also included along with the actual approval letters posted by FDA to the respective companies.

ValuePickr Drugs@FDA Dashboard

Data Source:
Drugs@FDA Data Files | FDA

If u hover over and select the blue/green bar, u get the approval letter link from the DOC URL after selecting the “View Data” icon:

To reiterate the frequency of updates:

  1. Orange Book DB - Weekly (every Wednesday)
  2. Patent and Exclusivity - Monthly
  3. DMF - quarterly.

Feedback is welcome, both positive and negative.

Thanks and Regards,

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Updated the Drugs@FDA dashboard with the data-set as of April 13th.

Couple of enhancements:

  1. Converted “exclusivity month” filter as a slider with each step/slide interval of 1 month. Alternatively one can use the auto-suggest search option and specify the relevant date in MMM YYYY format (eg: March 2017).

  2. Rest of the text box filters are Wildcard match-based filters. (just FYI… for new users)

  3. Exclusivity code is a multivalue list drop-down. NCE and ODE are the relevant codes for estimating the most likely generic drug launch dates. PC implies 180 day exclusivity for the FTF generic cos.

  4. Doc URL: Have made the FDA letter (Approval/Labelling/Review/PAS) part of the main table and clickable. No need to hover/select the bar charts. On clicking it would most likely open as a popup.

Please feel free to post any clarifications/issues.


Refresh Update:

  • Drugs@FDA dashboard with the data-set as of (April 27th) :play_pause: May 4th. Incorporated the latest Patents and Exclusivity info from Orange Book as of March 31st.

  • DMF Dashboard updated for Q1CY16

FYI: FDA has revised the data schema which will be effective from May 06, 2016. Updates will be delayed to handle the changes.


crisil warns of pharma generic slowdown in exports to the usa-economic times,please anybody can give a link to the article as i am not that savy with providing it.

Thanks @sharrmasks for the link.

Gist of it is:

  • Narrowing patent cliffs
  • Small Molecule (Chemistry based me-too) generics becoming more and more commoditized across therapies.
  • Consolidation of payers leading to loss in pricing power for drug co.s
  • Lack of NME pipeline due to relative low R&D spend compared to large pharma or Teva/Mylan.

On the other hand:

  • Upcoming Biosimilar opportunity
  • Increased focus on Drug costs by US legislature - Has become election issue.
  • Pace of innovation - Precision Medicine, Immuno-therapy (T-cells), CRISPR, Faster clinical trials through use of tech like Apple’s ResearchKit, Clinical Trial data and Patient Health records being made open leading to big data analytics being used to expand the use of existing drugs for new-therapies.

Recommend watching the below video.
Translating a trillion points of data into therapies, diagnostics, and new insights into disease

I think the point is it is hard to predict the future in next 5 years. Though that was the case in the last decade with Pharma being largely untouched by the Tech innovations.

Now it is a whole different world with Fitbit, Apple Watch, Google’s Diagnostic eyelens among other Verily innovations, Commercial Genome Sequencing, etc…

Who knows, how the world will be in 2020?
Change is inevitable. All we can do is check if Indian co.s are aware of the change and are being on top of it.


Just wanted to share this book link:

It is the autobiography of late Dr. Reddy in context to pharmaceutical industry. The book gets very technical as one progresses through. Lots of competitors are mentioned from time to time.

Senior members would find this book extremely insightful as they would be able to connect the dots much better.
Nevertheless, a must read for any pharma investor.


US DMF count by top pharma companies for years 2003-16… Some data to chew…

Indian Pharma Cos.

Seems unlisted Indian pharma cos (Hetero, MSN and Biophore) are on steroids. Consistent aggression (of late). Would be interesting to understand why leading listed Indian pharma cos are lagging in “quantity” comparison.

Global Pharma Cos.

Source (raw data):


Ajanta is not there in the list .

Ajanta does not manufacture its APIs (procures from other API players) and thus doesn’t file DMFs.

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@crazymama….is the dashboard updated?

Hi Rohit,

Things got busy after the data schema changed and I had not got the time to incorporate the schema changes.
No plans currently to work on it having lost interest in tracking pharma sector.
Will update if I get time to work on it and implement it.
