Time technoplast

It should ideally and I think they have increased their capacity for cascades as well

There are 40 crore cylinders in circulation. These are the old red cylinders we all see being driven around on the roads in the HP vans.

These need to, and will be, replaced with the new age cylinders, like the ones promoted by GoGas.

TimeTechno makes these cylinders for GoGas.

Apart from this, there is the entire Hydrogen space.

I am seeing exceptional growth for the company across the next 3 years.

Invested, and dreaming.


Important point to consider in long term specifically for retail consumers is piped gas reducing the need of cylinders

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it will only gain market share from traditional storage. It has very long runway ahead before losing the market share to pipeline.


Piped gas is convenient for majorly towers / building . Where there are individual apartments / bunglows the spread is too big and viability of installation cost is higher. So remote places tier 3 and remoet town you will see cylinder as a mode of storage.
There are many companies like where over a very long term business is dead but thats few decades away and new avenues open up for business.
Biased and Invested recently


Addition to above points - Most of the building doesn’t proper requirement for gas pipeline connection.For ex- I stay in a society of 250+ house but current design is not ideal for pipeline.So nothing to worry about.

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Time Technoplast is a medium term bet and the internal business is cyclical in nature but right now the company is in sweet spot because

  1. Chemical sector is slowly gaining traction in terms of production and still major revenue contribution for the company comes from IBC so now establish business will also post good numbers.
  2. In India on 35 cities are covered under CGD and still many part of India is dependent upon cylinders for there cooking fuel so that is not a problem and since composite cylinder can store more fuel than traditional type 3 or metal cylinder it will gain traction in HORECA industry with time so one can check out of close to 2 to 3 crores (damaged) cylinders that come back what is the proportion for type 4 cylinder going back to the market.
  3. Once the new capex is completed in this year company will also enter the retrofitting market and that has a huge potential as only maruti a single auto company has committed to produce 4 lakh CNG vehicles plus autorickshaw had also this demand because current cylinders are heavy and stores less gas.
  4. Now, most important of all as company was a technocrat from very beginning but intresting thing is now Bharat ji is walking the talk and not just committing high things but actually delivering the result as seen in last year where company didn’t receive money from divestment of there offshore business through which they planned to add new capacity for CNG cascade but still added any how without increasing further debt and in the established business company is doing only maintenance capex.

This is my take


Hi. Can you explain in a bit more detail please? What is missing in the current design of the building?


for laying pipeline you need CGD connected in that area if that is not there then laying pipeline will not lead to any solution because from central station gas is released through main line from which the pipe connected in your home will draw gas.

The pdf is of bombay high court causelist on 17/04/2024.
serial no 48
causelist.pdf (66.9 KB)

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Dear, any information about the above case?

@karanthharsha999 @rockabhig
It appears that These are writ petitions, related to trade unions and prevention of unfair labor laws practices act 1971.

One can check status here: https://bombayhighcourt.nic.in/party_query.php

All 4 has following status

Although I could not find,exact text of these petitions. I wouldnt read much into it, to me such issues are common to manufacturers/operations where unsatisfied employees take it to labour court/civil court. Ultimately such cases/issues are resolved amicably without any adverse impact.

It would be nice to know. If someone knows more on such petition, process and outcomes.



institutions must be booking profits. HDFC has been invested for many years. - this will keep the price under check…
have exited the stock, due to following:

  • petroleum prices have gone up and will affect margins in the regular(established) business segment. significant sales is still to regular(established) segment
  • hydrogen story is still some time away
  • competition increasing in both established segment and composites in India
  • price has run up too fast

I was hoping to see the debt go away as they have been trying to sell some international business for many years & management guided it to be done by end of FY. Hope it is a trigger as well

Employees are also selling… small amounts though… but it gives an indication that the peak price has reached.

Maybe they just need the money. Small selling is not ever anything to worry. The short term top might have been set to have reached if
A. There was a climax move where everyone was talking about it and RSI went through the roof or a parabolic move happened with stock pricing doubling from say maybe a 30 week moving average.
B. The stock went up just on narrative with no concrete improvement in business or with poor results. As far as I can see, Mr Vageria has delivered what he’s promised.
C. There was a change in the business in sales or margins which the market hadn’t factored in or ignored - which we will probably know in the results.

Generally stocks pause to take a breath after a 50 percent upmove. In fact, it’s not given a deep correction even on carnage days. This seems like a consolidation phase in a narrow range.

As far as the crude oil price hike is concerned, I suspect companies which depend on crude a lot will or should have a pass through clause to protect their margins especially in longer term contracts.


Insiders selling is a important indication - whether small or big.
Time techno is correcting more than market. Could it go to 215 levels?


On the contrary, Insider selling is rarely an indicator at all.


The result were in line with expectation. Pbt at 132 v/s 92 cr yoy. Management has guided for 15% growth with better ROE and debt free in 2-3 years. With all future earning & ROE with debt reduction playing out there is a scope for some rerating .
I personally believe it will slowly playout over next 1-2 years.
I expect a 50-70% upside in next 18-24 months
Disc -personal view only
Invested recently added in tranches


Also regarding Hydrogen cylinders - after the announcement of which the stock shot up - sales is yet to begin and demand is not certain. this company’s management has also highlighted in the concall.

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