Since 1 year ,they are mentioning about kheda plant expansion but still ground work has not been started.
Since 1 year ,they are mentioning about kheda plant expansion but still ground work has not been started.
Have patience. Covid was pretty bad in Gujarat. Lockdowns etc.
Potential for a big order here for Anup if this Haldi plan goes ahead. Anup’s Helixchanger is a Lummus Tech product.
Since the company doesn’t provide order updates, upto us to figure it out. Another potential for a big order. Let’s hope next concall we can get updates.
Continuous buying by Director entire September-21
Another 9,588 shares added since last update.
Plant expansion update
1…Odhav palnt
Ongoing Capex for development of Clean
room Shed at Odhav is delayed due to
cascading COVID impact. Likely to be
completed by Q3 end.
2…Kheda plant
• We have started the construction work at
Kheda in the wholly owned subsidiary (Anup
Heavy Engineering Ltd) from Sept-21
Hi Anyone knows any reason for buyback around 800 when it was trading around Rs 1200 it looks like management think the fair value of the company is around 800 please correct me if I read incorrectly
Looks like their capex plans commissioning continues to get delayed. Odhav plant is now expected to get completed by Q4. Capex is the sole growth trigger for the company as existing capacity is almost fully utilized:
I have some queries for those who are tracking the co closely:
1/ How much growth impact Odhav plant will have?
2/ Any timelines provided by the company on completion for Kheda plant? How much capacity enhancement this will bring?
3/ In an earlier interview, management has guided for 4x revenues in 4 years. Is this target still intact?
4/ How are the management execution capabailities given the continuous delay in Capex?
Disclosure: Recently started tracking the company
Buy back completed long before
My attempt to answer the questions by @fundoo .
As per management, the Odhav plant is not yet fully commissioned yet. Un completed Odhav plant can be utilised as normal bay (normal plant) as others partially during this time. Once completed, Greenroom will be focused to produce the complex type of products that are not bulky in nature. Bulky and huge products such as columns production will be shifted to Kheda plant.
Initial timelines were failed due to disruptions in the supply chain and labour unavailability during the second wave. As per my understanding from concall, Initial phase works are already undergoing now. Phase 1 expected complete by end of H1FY23 hence production might reflect in the revenue from H2FY23. In addition, the other 2 phases are scheduled to construct 1 phase per year in the next two years. each phase would cost around 35Cr. Revenue from each phase is expected to be more than 100cr.
Management guidance is to achieve the target of 1000Cr revenue by FY25. They are still confident to hit that within the time despite COVID disruptions. Thanks to the domestic CAPEX cycle.
Not sure about this yet. This portion is still in the shades of grey for me.
Any concall conducted recently?? I’m not able to find any of them…Recent results were also poor
No recent conference calls.results should analysed annually instead of quarterly for this company.Please note that December is weak quarter for Anup.Possibly they may post better result in march quarter.I am expecting a conference call this quarter.
Any update on the capex ?
execution of capex is very slow. They have strong orderbook but delay in execution due to capacity issue. kheda plant will be operational by H2FY23 only as per investor presentation
fbd10ed0-4283-42ab-aedb-18f8e4918494.pdf (443.7 KB)
Guess you’ve attached India Bulls Real Estate Release