The Anti-Portfolio

Excellent returns. Commendable performance.
I remember you pulled out money to buy a home. Did you offset the LTCG tax with the home purchase under section 54F?
Another curious question, with quick decisions to exit stocks, have you ever found yourself in a situation where the stock you exited moved up significantly soon after that you repented selling and kept tracking to re-enter or re-entered?


Thanks! The stocks mentioned have a pretty long runway, mostly my investment horizon is 1-2 years, in such cases itā€™s tending to be on the higher side.

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Thanks! Current Returns are just the difference between the current price and the buy levels of the holding. Total Returns are also including the total amount booked so far.

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Thanks! I am only presenting the data points provided by the portfolio tool of value-research website, which I started to use only because I wanted to preserve data whilst changing broker. Zerodha fails to give xirr. I think I have wrongly presented data given by value-research website, they define % PA = XIRR of cash flows, including dividends and interests, I misquoted the % PA as cagr. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


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Thanks! Yes, I will be doing the offset for the current FY. Yes, Shakti pumps is such a case which I did sell only to buy at higher prices later. Maybe more but I donā€™t think about past actions much, since there is a lot going on in the markets anyway with businesses having good opportunities, many buses keep arriving and leaving all the time!


Nice set of stocks.

But does current p/e of some of your stocks bother youā€¦like Network People has p/e of over 100ā€¦

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This is outstanding. This means that 100 INR invested is now worth 950 INR. 9.5 times in 7 years is a dream. Amazing!


There are several with super high p/e but it has to be seen in context of the super high profit growth, peg ratio is actually quite comfy for NPST compared to others.


How do you resist selling when market falls heavily as it had done during election and during past month. Wouldnā€™t it be wise to safeguard our money if some stocks are going down too much during such times. Also when we see all the profits we have gained drained out in a few days.


Have you exited from RBM Infraā€¦ Rationale behind the exit pleaseā€¦

Hi Vikas sir, Any recent addition to your portfolio in the recent fall ?


Not buying but selling shares worth 30% of PF value!
I am now buying two houses, got them facing each other, with the total cost savings, later I will sell my current house. In the meantime I have to withdraw the amount from selling shares and FD.

Nibe, HBL, samhi, rbm infra, tinna, sathlokhar and venus pipes have been sold off fully.

Reason is wanted to move to same colony as the in-laws, not my choice actually :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hello Mr Vikas.

I recently discovered this valuepickr forum and just going through all the topics. 1 thing I find common is whenever someone shares his portfolio I see a lot of companies that are not so popular among the common public like Ceinsys Tech, Sathlokar Synergy etc. My question is how do you guys find these hidden gems like do you filter out these companies based on financials or based on current news or maybe the business they are in?

I just want to know the mindset behind the selection of companies. My question might seem lame but pardon me because I am just 20 years old and and have recently started, For now I just want to improve my research skills and want to know the process behind selecting companies for further research.


Hi Vikas ji. MOFS and NPST have bled like anything. Have u reduced your share in these stocks or r u still confident in holdin them.

Running some filters on screener is one way, but mostly I rely on other people discussing ideas. Now I find SME kind of stocks very abundantly on X.

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Please mention which Twitter Handles you followā€¦ itā€™s beneficial to community

Thank you so much

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No, only half yearly reporting like NPST will be quite volatile also due to the high valuations.
MOSL I think just overreacted.


Vikas ji, have you exited Oriana Powerā€¦ Reasoning behind this exit pleaseā€¦

Thanks for the reply Vikasji. Means a lot.

If a bear market is expected wouldnā€™t MOFSL face the heat and again fall. Or are you seeing great future value here. With ā€œOverreactingā€ are you trying to say this selling is only because a few bad news that has come recently and the poor Q3. So you believe this is temporary

for what it is worth, here is their announcement on quarterly results on 12th Feb (canā€™t open the documentā€¦some errorā€¦and hence putting the screen shot)