Tejas Networks - Product based IT business in a favored sector?

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@bimalb A slightly different take by the sister publication, Times of India.


To save cost BSNL 4G deployment will be delayed by 18 months if they go with Jio. Need to be seen if BSNL is okay with it as it’s already been delayed and Govt wants this to be deployed sooner than later. With 5G roll out by other telcos from next month, BSNL might not wait for another 18 months just to save cost is my guess.

@bimalb I am inclined to agree with you. BSNL has been reluctant to go with domestic suppliers but Govt. had to put its foot down. Only then, BSNL went with the domestic suppliers and TCS-Tejas-CDot combine has successfully demonstrated its capability. This time too, the Govt. will force BSNL to stop delaying tactics and roll out its 4G network soon with TCS-Tejas-CDot combine.

Following important points also to be considered…

  1. JIO is a competitor service provider. Not a good choice to go with.
  2. Equipment supply is altogether a different game. No way to rank JIO at par with others.
  3. Even after retendering & resulant time delay there is no base to say price will meet BSNL Estimation.

To me whole article looks ill motivated.

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No doubt they TATA is implementing the 4G for BSNL and in short time they will get big scale business. The main beneficiary is Tejas Networks and with the merger of Saankhya it will garner global companies also.


As per the report, “As per the government’s mandate, BSNL will use 4G core developed only by the Indian vendors. So, TCS is developing the core as well as RAN for our network,” a top official at BSNL told Business Standard. BSNL plans to upgrade the equipment set up by TCS for the 5G roll-out with necessary software modifications.

When asked about the timeline for signing the final agreement, the official said, “A proof of concept (POC) is being completed. I believe we are done with almost 95 per cent of the procedure. I think we should come with an official announcement in a couple of months.”

The official said the Tata group’s recently acquired subsidiaries Tejas Network and Saankhya Labs would also participate in producing necessary equipment as per the deal.

“TCS is already collaborating with the Centre for Development of Telematics (CDoT) to develop the core. Tata Sons has recently acquired Tejas Networks and Saankhya Labs. So they might use the capacity of these companies to develop other equipment for BSNL’s 4G network,” the official said.

This comes after BSNL Chairman and Managing Director PK Purwar told PTI that the company plans to roll out the 4G network from November. It also plans to gradually upgrade its network to 5G by next August. The state-run company plans to install around 125,000 4G mobile sites in the next 18 months, Purwar said at the India Mobile Congress.

Disc: 20% of portfolio in Tejas Networks


How do you and others see Tejas Networks as a company -

  1. Is it a communication technology company? benefiting out of advancements in any kind of communication technology…
  2. Is it a Telecom equipment company - benefiting out of 4G, 5G etc.
  3. Is it an Electronics company with current focus on Telecommunication?
  4. Is it a low/medium end telecom/electronics company or a high end one with eventual semiconductor designing possibilities?
  5. Is it a manufacturing company or designing company or both?
  6. Is it a pure hardware company or may currently or eventually have integrated hardware/related platform/software solutions?

Above answers may help us get an ounce of the business trajectory of Tejas Networks…

This is the closest fit and there’s good overlap with 1 and leaning towards high end for 4. they do make networking gear too.

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I think as

innovation-driven, global telecom and networking product company.

And with TCS partnership it may be Global telecom and network solutions company

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IMO how same is steered further may take it to any of the option except options 3 & 4.
It is at a juncture from where next move is very important. And with Govt & Tata backing they should be able to meet any aspiration they decide to be.

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Here is the snippet from the article @Srinivasa_Ramanujam shared, that mentions Jio’s capabilities on EPC.

Not sure if it is related, but Reliance seems to be partnering with Sanmina to produce 4G and 5G telecom equipment for local and overseas markets. This would stir up the competition, at least for the overlapping capabilities. Plus Jio would have no need to source anything from Tejas (don’t know if it does any currently).

The investment size (₹1,670 crores) by Reliance, is in the proximity to Tata’s original investment in Tejas.


[C-Dot’s 5G technology ] A podcast by The Hindu throws some light on C-Dot’s 5G technology, its compatablility, standalone 5G Vs non-standalone 5G etc. Though I am not an expert, I get the sense that TCS-Tejas_C-Dot combine will have a bright future.

Disc: Have been investing in Tejas over the past 5 years and the largest holding.



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tejas networks result out. turned around qtr from loss to profit

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Whether the management concall transcript is available ? Pls share

The management commentary in the concall is too strong and opportunity is big .

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Not sure how credible is this source but it keep popping up once in a while. - BSNL going with JIO -

I think contract is still being negotiated. Even if Tatas get it, It’s not going to be an easy journey. First implementation of this scale will have turbulence, and is bound to get bad press every now and then.

In other news. among 42 others, Tejas included in the list for additional PLI incentives in telecom..

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Have u read the news in full? They r quoting from old times article which was already shared earlier. There is no new development or news here. This articles will make rounds till the final deal is sealed.