Tata Consumer Products Limited (TATACONSUM)

Yes Chings and Organic India is expected to drive 12% of the expected 30% India growth brands as they call it (Non Tea, Salt and Coffee) business. That is now 20% of the total business.

They mentioned that Organic India is avlb in only 47,000 stores. Potential is huge. They 10x the stores for a start and can add 600-700 crores to topline in a couple of years. Starbucks, they said they don’t add to topline revenues. Profit is aggregated in consolidated results. Planning for 1000 stores by FY28-29.

Copper+ is doing well as per them. 60% of Nourishco Business with topline of 900 Crores means its a 540 crores business. My belief is that its better they did not buy Bisleri. Low Margin High Overheads Business. Its better to focus on higher margin businesses. They need an energy drink and maybe get into aerated beverages and colas. That would boost topline, increase overall penetration.

Would love your thoughts.


Q2 is the plan for now.


Tata consumer is consolidating from January 2024. Already below 10 week EMA and , 30 week EMA is getting flatter. Last both quarters, sales have been low and earnings have been negative. So seems to be going into consolidation Stage 3 . I amd having a small position, which i will be getting rid of soon.

Is this problem with HUL as well? These are bound to perform in Long term only.

Holding both HUL and TATACONSUM.