StageInvesting +Elliot Waves

Would you please share analysis of Sharda Motors using stage analysis?

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Already shared few days back.

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Hello Stage !. I am back, too quickly though ! :monkey:
This time for a follow up of few previous posts.

For below names do you think it is of any meaning to analyse their stages at this juncture ?

CMP ~1000, consider January split, its up 2.5X.

CMP ~885, up 2X.

CMP ~725, up 1.2X.


If I were you. I would remain invested in all these names - would check quarterly results to check the progress of the business. If growth keeps coming, why to exit!


Silver -CMP 30.5 (US$/OZ) , INR 92000/Kg.

Can silver go to $ 42 (INR 125,000) in short term and to $ 56 (INR 150,000) in medium to long term ( in 2025/2026) !

If that happens, it would be breaking its 2011 all time high price ( international US$/OZ)

With rising inflation, falling dollar and tense geopolitical situation - there’s a probability.

Let’s keep a watch. No buy /sell recommendation.

Monthly chart with probable EW count !


Risk Management !

Sound risk management is not about avoiding the risk .

Risk- avoidance means returns-avoidance!

If you want to make money , you have to take risk .

But you can’t make money by just taking risks !

You have to do it skillfully.

There has to be a process that should have following 4 elements :

  1. Risk that you’re aware of !

  2. Risk you can analyse

  3. Risk you can diversify

  4. And risk for which you’re highly rewarded to take

If these 4 necessities are satisfied , then there’re higher chances that you would get some positive outcome by taking risk .