StageInvesting +Elliot Waves

Our US Portfolio

2. Alphabet
3. CrowdStrike
4. Bank Of America
5. Amazon
8. DataDog


Please share your rational on Paytm. No expert in charts, but looks like it jas formed the cup and handle patern

Chart bhool jao mere dost …fundamentals ko samjho (Although chart is also good)

A stock needs to have fundamentals first to come to our watch-list, chart comes next. But many atimes , if we have high conviction, we don;t care about the charts.
(And we can go wrong also )


Any reason for exiting Intellect?

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Limited money, better opportunities. And wanted to book some profits.


Hi, any update on GOLD’s chart? Thanks!

Gold/Silver/Metals -everything waitng for the DXY (dollar ) to turn around.

Till the time it does not happen, we might keep trading in a narrow range.

Would update once that happens.


DXY -Gold

It seems that DXY is turning around. It has closed below 20 Days Moving Average (DMA) . The impact is visible on global gold prices, as they have starting inching up again.
Next confirmation will come once the DXY breaks and trades below 40 DMA.

Here is the recent relationship between international gold price and DXY .
Daily Chart

Long Term Monthly Chart

Keep in consideration that price in India moves differently - as Indian currency also comes into the picture.

If someone has been following our posts on Gold, he /she would understand that due to our currency - the prices of gold in India don’t fall much when global prices fall but they go much higher when international prices inch up.



If someone has studied stage-analysis - it was clearly visible that it was unable to cross trading-zones .
View played out well (Feb 26,2023)
Weekly Chart


Thanks @StageInvesting !

I remember when you put in a chart for PLTR at $7 levels. Now that it appears in your pf indicates that stage 2 is confirmed.
Any views on Botz AI Etf? Any other AI stock that you track or believe it’s in stage 2?

2 Additions :pray:
9. Sofi
10. EFX

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June 12th
Took some actions yesterday looking at the ferociousness of the markets

  1. Exited Glenmark and Angel One ( Angel -we may enter again after the correction)
  2. Added GRSE & Carysil
  3. Sold 10% of each position to raise cash and to book partial profits.Now we’re in 25% cash position.

Reasons :

  1. As per EW, we have either completed wave 1 in Nifty or are near completion of Wave 1 ,hence expecting some correction in short term

2.BSE Small Cap Index RSI is at 85 whereas BSE Mid Cap Index RSI is near 80, generally at these levels ,we have seen that markets tend to give a correction so as to bring the RSI down so as to prepare for the next leg of rally.


Dear Sir,

Have you already sold Globus Spirits. I can’t see it anymore in your portfolio.

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Yes - found better opportunities .

And we’re not sure about the current wave whether it is B wave ( impulse with-in correction) or it is really a new impulse wave for next leg of rally -hence exited.


@StageInvesting How did you select Carysil and Garden Reach in your portfolio what are the technical indicators that lead to the selection of the same in your portfolio ?

Our new entry

Godrej Property
CMP 1575

A wave 3 and Stage 2 stock as per our analysis.

Disclaimer : Invested and biased.This post is just for learning few methods of price-patterns. Views are personal and are purely based on our limited knowledge of charts. No buy/sell recommendations. These are probability study methods and chances of success/failure depend upon various factors


can you check about prestige estates project which is in the same sector and now at an all time high.

Pls let us know rationale for ARMANFIN

Fundametals+ Techincals