Solex Energy - Undervalued Solar PV Manufacturer or Microcap Value Trap?

Solex Energy announces the Commercial Production from Jan 25 for their 800 MW production line.

The June 25 target of adding another production line of 2.5 GW is still committed by the management. Seems they are moving with pace.

Key monitorable would be whether they can achieve their target of 800cr consolidated revenue for FY 2025 now .

Revenue from Existing Solar Line : 500 CR
Revenue from New Line ( Assuming only Feb - March at 80% capacity [ (800 / 12 * 2 ) * 0.8 ] ) : 107 MW approx @ 1.5 cr per MW ( based on the order received for topcon ) = 160 Cr

Total Revenue from Solar Modules : Approx 650 cr
Total Revenue from EPC as guided : Approx 150 cr

They could still acheive the target of 800 cr but conservatively atleast 700 CR looks very much achievable now


Latest concall in Nov says they dont have any US exports.
What is the reason for solex price to fall by 20% in past 2 days ?

Is solex directly or indirectly affected by Trump’s policy change ? How ?

Solex might not have direct exposure to US market, but if other companies end up facing challenges for export it will create surplus supply in domestic market as their has been a lot of capacity addition happening in this space.
It really comes down to how management can deliver in such conditions to hold up to given revenue guidance and on government’s policy shift on renewables after Trump’s victory.
I guess budget will give a better picture


Solex’s margins may be impacted for at least short-medium term, given the oversupply if US demand shrinks. Meeting the revenue guidance should still be possible for this financial year, but next FY onwards, only management can clarify what they think will be the impact.
As for the stock, it seems to move only on triggers, next one could be when they announce technology partner for the cell line.

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Solex going to move to the mainboard in the next 90 days . This would mean quarterly reporting will be applicable from Q4 onwards which should increase the information flow.

Also the appointment announcement of Independent Directors on Jan 11 ( SVP at Reliance Group

Image N Shape | About Us Mr. Sanjay Bhagvandas Punjabi Group Chairman of The Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Sanjay Srivastava - Government of Gujarat, Home Department | LinkedIn Ex-IPS officer Commisionner of Police , Ahmemadad


Hiring spree at Solex

One sample post check similar posts on its linkedin page over the last few days