Skipper Ltd., (Power and Water) a moat in making?

Not comfortable with growing debt and higher interest. Most of operating profits is being lost in increased interest payment. Net profit margin in the range of about 2 % is quite less.
Not comfortable holding it, even if top line and OPM is increasing, since most of additional benefit is lost in interest payment.

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Further, there is NIL holding by Mutual Funds and FIIs, that further reduces confidence.

Disc: plan to sell all my holdings.

I agree, with the revenue growing 75% but the bottomline still peanuts.

Seems like a classic egg and omlette situation. Without debt they canā€™t grow. And breaking eggs isnā€™t always easy. Capex will make or break this company with strong tailwinds.

I am still waiting for the concall transcript but i am not inclined to take any action as of now (2% of portfolio invested). I would definitely want to understand the reason for such high tax and what tax rate shall we expect moving forward. What i did like is that company still generated good Operating cash flow of about 199 crores. This makes the company valued at 20 times operating cash flow. I felt the revenue growth and cash flow figures are decent, rest letā€™s see once we have the concall transcript.


Management have guided 25% cagr revenue growth in 2 year

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They paid 51.5 Cr. of interest in Q4 FY24 for outstanding debt of 577 Cr., When I calculate interest on annual basis : 51.5 x4 = 206 CR. ,and when I calculate the rate of interest on debt of 577 CR : 206/577 x100 = 35.70% rate of interest.

35.70% rate of interest is extremely high rate of interest. AM I missing something ?

Please Guide :pray: :pray:


You should also look at trade payables as some companies might classify them as debt which triggers interest. Itā€™s a common practice.

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Intrest on anual basis is 154 cr.

Intrest cost and tax rate dragged the profit margin. Although managment guided to reduce tax rate to 25%.

Here is a good article related to new Transmission line and power grid policy of America.Renewables Will Skyrocket Under New Transmission Policies Renewables Will Skyrocket Under New Transmission Policies



In the below tracker, I have started tracking important company goals for Skipper.These goals are referred to as ā€˜monitorablesā€™ in the tracker.I will update this document regularly to reflect the current status of these goals.

Hereā€™s a snapshot of what the tracker includes:

  • Company Ticker: For identifying the company
  • Monitorable Description: Description of the goal or metric being tracked
  • Date of Announcement: When the monitorable was announced
  • Deadline: Target date for achieving the monitorable
  • Status: Current progress (e.g., Not Fulfilled, Pending)
  • Verification Link: A link to see where we got the information about the goal.

I hope this information makes it easier to observe how well companies are progressing towards their stated goals.

Screenshot of the tracker below:

Full tracker attached below:
Tracking Company Monitorables-7.xlsx (125.8 KB)