Sorry for the late replies (was travelling)
a) of 1600 Cr forecast - 55-60-65% will be from Shunts (thats the visibility today, depending on who in Mgmt was asked the question)
b) they continue to maintain a 25% CAGR in Overall Sales visibility, so doubling within 3 years, you can check some feasible projections here). Goes without saying that they have mentioned FY24 will be slow (destocking related and that normalised levels should/could return by Jan 2024, as new orders have started coming in. FY25 and FY26 probably will see good growth returning (Shunts) as newer models will start getting launched from FY25. That is the time new relationships like Continental and Hella will start kicking in with meaningful numbers?
c) my sense is this is NOT including any sudden explosion in EV happening within the next 3 years