I have put up a few tools on a new site: Bajaar
You can explore
Portfolios of large holdings (over 1%) in any company - lookup either by investor name, or stock name.
Do a quick financial comparison of up to 5 stocks at a time. I use polar charts with both mean and relative standard deviations of a few financial ratios to look at - about 20 to 30 metrics.
Also been working on identifying trends
Short Term: Track changes in portfolios of a few prominent value investors, check for large movements in portfolio investors, and identify large volume transactions across BSE over the past month or so.
Longer term: Capture large trends in individual stocks and how individual sectors rise and fall over time.
The site is mostly on auto-pilot now - fetching data at night and refreshing content in the morning. I wrote these tools in the process of understanding the market, and hope others find it useful as well.
Nice information and representation. Both the sections are useful. In financials section, perhaps mean values over what specific period can be mentioned. Also information regarding capital structure such as amount of leverage can be added. Just was also curious to know methodology of computation of FCF etc. to avoid any discrepancies. Perhaps note on methodology of calculation can be added.
The financial data is from Morningstar and stock prices are from BSE. The first chart shows a historical trend of metrics like PE, PBV and gives an idea of how far back the data goes. So financial data goes back some 6 to 10 years, and I have stock prices going back to 2001.
You are right about financial data - everyone computes it in their own way
I took the easy way out and just copy/pasted data from Morningstar. I am still learning about reading financial data, so the site will improve as I learn.
Great work buddy,
As per my limited knowledge, Morningstar has decent financial data, especially FCFs are quite close to actual ones. They subtract only capital expenditures from OCFs to come to FCF. Hope it helps.
Hi I am new to the forum but would be happy to know which site we can get all the bulk deals done across the market and not only stock specific deals . it should be a better site than money control.
Added quarterly data on pledged shares. Made some changes in the website, and moved things around.
The links to investors and stocks in portfolio charts are now clickable. You can disable this through the Settings tab in the top-right corner.
The front-page now shows the old trends page, while portfolios have moved to Stock Portfolios and Investor portfolios respectively. Financial data has been dropped for now, trying to think of a better way to represent it.
Thanks VML. One feature that i liked in the earlier version was to see consolidated portfolio for a group of investors (it earlier allowed to club 3 investors) - this helps when you want to see investments of a group of investors in one go. Can we please add this back and also increase the number of investors from 3 to say 5 or higher?
Financials are back as an online spreadsheet. It’s got stock prices and financial data, enough to calculate P/E, Price-to-book, Price-to-FCF etc. You can click on the sheet, press Ctrl-A Ctrl-C to copy it, paste it into Excel and use your own formulae.
@tbhavesh: Grouping/clubbing investors is back. No more limits!
Thank you sir for this wonderful effort for making it easy to copy data in one shot in an easy to use tabular format. I am specially pleased to see Gross Margin and Free cash flow among others.