I have been processing such claims for past few months, for some old relatives.
In most cases you can find the information about shares and dividends moved to IEPF, on the company website.
In cases I handled, the depository statement showed the number of shares moved.
I did not bother to look up the dividend amounts, mostly they are negligible. Also, the IEPF claims form allows you to leave this part blank. That does make sense, since they are asking for information already known to them.
Of course the reclaim procedure is a load of sarkari BS, very repetitive.
The only root cause is dividend left unclaimed, for past 7 years, due to lack of ECS to bank account of holder.
It should be a one-click procedure to do eKYC etc and link bank account to a demat account.
Problem solved! Well but apparently there are plenty of people who need jobs such as processing dumb IEPF claims 
So far, NIIT has rejected claim which is due to Rs 30 dividend (I omitted) and they have spent Rs 300 in sending documents back and forth and also time discussing the matter of Rs 30, now ended in dead-lock due to ill-designed IEPF form!
ICICI Bank and HT Media had zero issues with the same claims. They forwarded the claims to IEPF. IEPF has responded with some minor corrections to be done by ICICI Bank, they copied the mail to me. The claims took 3 months before reaching the Sarkar. It might take a few months before refunds from IEPF.
ONGC, JP Associates, IndiaBulls HF, PowerGrid, all sent back the exact same forms with corrections. Some helpfully marked in pencil. Mostly asking to include dividend amount or attest each page etc. (I forget that). In case of ONGC to include the full company name! One of them wanted a notarized Indemnity Bond, another wanted a higher value indemnity bond of Rs 500 (a grey zone, the value depends upon the state you are in).
Just reminds me, there is a sucker born every minute, who wants a job, quite frequently it seems in the company legal/secretarial department. 
I am not sure why linking a bank to a demat account is not a one time procedure. Maybe one of SEBI, NSE or CDSL or some other Sarkari BS ministry or company knows.
In the cases I handled, some dim-witted broker handles the paperwork related to CDSL, and the people are not aware of the procedure. CDSL has an extreme sexy and user friendly website, which I am unable to handle 
Mostly now these people have started taking mails received from companies seriously. Most companies inform in advance about shares liable to be moved to IEPF. They then promptly sell these shares (using a DIS slip
). These warning letters also ask for a cancelled cheque and PAN and Address proofs (attested). But I find that trusting them to do the linking might be doubtful. You can take the chance if dearly attached to the shares.