Raymond - The Complete Man

Another more detailed presentation from Investor Meet at JK House today.
Highlights the architecture of different brands of branded apparel. Explains garmenting business extensively.

Recording of the whole event below where we get to hear different business heads talk about their respective verticals.
Edit: Link of recording of another press meet today below


Lot of promotion on the listing of new entity - Raymond Lifestyle. Even got a mail from chairman today


Ventura assigns target price of INR 4,927 per share to Raymond Lifestyle which translates to market cap of 30000 crores. This is arrived at by taking average of DCF valuation which is INR 3,434 per share and SOTP valuation of INR 6,420 per share.
Research Report

Discusses all competitors, price points of their products and their valuation for each business segment.


Notice from NSE

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Good listing for Raymond Lifestyle at around 3000.

Now that it is a separate company, will there be a new thread for RLL?

Is this selling due to mandate by MF to not hold Raymond Lifestyle who are holding Raymond Ltd

Hello Mr Mohit - can I please know where have you pulled this data sheet from? And how frequently does this source get updated?

I needed a little help as an investor in Raymond (pre demerger).

The shareholders got four equity shares of Raymond Lifestyle for every five shares held in Raymond Limited.

If my earlier purchase price of Raymond was Rs 500 (hypothetically, pre demerger), how do I apportion this purchase price between Raymond Limited and Raymond Lifestyle? If there are any articles/blogs around this, please share the links. Thanks!

Hi @roysavio, If you are asking about cost of acquisition of Raymond Lifestyle for capital gains calculations, if and when you sell, please read the below article.


Thank you @life_long_learner. I remember reading it in BSE announcements but could not find it. Based on the news article date, I was able to track down the original BSE Announcements PDF: https://www.bseindia.com/xml-data/corpfiling/AttachHis/20dc5523-f1ca-4f24-a89c-d2252e3ddb6d.pdf.

Putting in a screenshot here in case the PDF goes away in the future:

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If you have received Raymond Lifestyle shares as part of de merger, will LTCG apply after one year from the listing date (Sep 5, 2024) of RLL?

I think the date for LTCG will be based on the purchase date of the original undivided Raymond shares.

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