Priyank's Portfolio

Personal reminder to read between the lines

Please post your latest portfolio snapshot

Havenā€™t been able to maintain my PF excel (more on this later) lately so providing a summary below:

After PPFAS, my top 5 holdings are: Godrej agrovet, Triveni, ami, sansera and exide.
a) Added some AMI and Sansera over the last few weeks.
b) In terms of exits, BCL Industries (~40%), M.K Ventures (approx 20% up), Cosmo First (this was 15 or 20 % down as far as I can remember).
c) Exited Helios and removed it from my watchlist. Deployed funds in Kennethā€™s fund during the FPO (currently ~3.5% PF).

What I am looking at:

  • Chemicals.
    a) At 1600/1700 market cap, Astec seemed very interesting so I took an entry and added. This conflicts with Godrej Agrovet so I will need to review things here once I get brainstorming time.
    b) Reviewing other opportunities here.

  • Consumers and others:
    a) VIP Ind, Tasty Bite, V Guard, Indigo, and Creative Newtech are on my watchlist.
    b) Have taken a very small position in Creative but I am not sure if I will be able to take a large position here.
    c) Something similar happened in VIP industries where I added and exited within the same week. But it seems very interesting.

These are some of the major changes I can think of. There were some other transactions too but I will need some time to maintain everything in my excel again and then update here.

As of now, I am burdened with a few things in my personal life which should last for a year or two. Luckily, I saw it coming earlier and was able to make most bets accordingly. I think Iā€™ll be able to update properly after June or else September/October this year but too soon to confirm so letā€™s see.

Disclaimer: I am not a SEBI registered advisor or analyst. This is my personal view and not a recommendation. I am often wrong and do change my views without being able to inform anyone.

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Any particular reason to exit BCL Industries?


  1. A couple of things bother me. But most importantly I invested in BCL with a short-term view.
    (to be precise, wasnā€™t able to build a 3-5 year view on this and consulted someone. Then was able to build a short-term clarity)

  2. Seeing better opportunities for a 3-5-year view so wanted to cash out and prepare for volatile markets. Since the last few months, I have been slowly trying to remove stocks that need regular/quarterly tracking and BCL doesnā€™t make my preferred list.

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Can u please share your latest portfolioā€¦

Stock name % of PF as per investment value
PPFASšŸ”’ 22.8%
Triveni Engg 7.6%
Ami Organics 7.6%
Sansera EngineeringšŸ”’ 7.6%
Exide Industries 5.8%
Gokaldas (GOKEX) 5.0%
Lupin 4.2%
Shriram Piston 3.8%
Astec Lifesciences 3.8%
Sudarshan Chem 3.8%
Craftsman 3.8%
Shyam Metalics 3.8%
TATA Motors - DVR 3.8%
Old Bridge 3.8%
L&T 3.6%
NOCIL 3.4%
Ion Exchange 2.8%
Rolex Rings 2.2%
Creative Newtech 0.5%
SJS Enterprises 0.3%

Cash levels are considerably high. Will be looking to deploy over time

Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve reviewed my portfolio strategy. Hereā€™s whatā€™s influencing my thinking:

  • Increased Commitments: Upcoming commitments limit the time I can dedicate to actively managing my portfolio. Iā€™m looking for a more hands-off approach that aligns with my long-term goals. This means prioritizing stocks that require less frequent monitoring (compared to quarterly checks).
  • Forensic Accounting Reliance: My current strategy relies on forensic accounting checks, which I outsource due to my knowledge limitations. This limits the potential investment watchlist.

Disclaimer: I am not a SEBI registered advisor or analyst. This is my personal view and not a recommendation. I am often wrong and do change my views without being able to inform anyone.

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@ashutosh13 - have shared it above now

Could you share the company/partner you outsource it to?

@abhishek_sinha Sorry, I am not sure if I can disclose this over a public platform.

One way to find answers could be by reviewing various fund houses (especially their past analyst teams). Some of them have/had competent analysts who started/ran their firms providing various services.

please share latest portfolioā€¦

15th June 2024

Names Invested %
PPFASšŸ”’ 23.8%
Triveni Engg 8.0%
Ami Organics 7.9%
Sansera EngineeringšŸ”’ 7.9%
Exide Industries 6.0%
Gokaldas (GOKEX) 5.2%
Lupin 4.4%
Shriram Piston 4.0%
Astec Lifesciences 4.0%
Sudarshan Chem 4.0%
Craftsman 4.0%
Shyam Metalics 4.0%
TATA Motors - DVR 4.0%
Old Bridge 4.0%
L&T 3.7%
Ion Exchange 2.9%
Rolex Rings 2.3%
  • There arenā€™t many/major changes. Sitting on cash as in the last few weeks. Havenā€™t deployed it during the 4th June crash. Would like to see more clarity.

  • Exited NOCIL, Creative Newtetch, SJS. For the first two, I donā€™t think itā€™s worth the risks (nothing wrong with biz BUT there are better spaces to deploy capital). In the case of SJS, I was hoping for a better valuation and had been tracking it. However, after the results season, not sure this is happening anytime soon. I will re-evaluate whenever I get time.

Disclaimer: I am not a SEBI registered advisor or analyst. This is my personal view and not a recommendation. I am often wrong and do change my views without being able to inform anyone.

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Can you share your views on Rolex Rings, looks fractionally overvalued to me.
And I guess you had removed it from your portfolio earlier , then recently added it again. Any specific reason?

@Aakash444 - The goal has been to play the capex cycle indirectly via leaders that could double earnings in 3 - 4 years (have been tracking it for sometime). The changes in the bearing (shift to forging, EV/Hybrid, etc) set up Rolex in an interesting position. There was a research report about the company sometime back that should give you more insights - LINK

The valuation is debatable and depends on the earnings one is looking at: TTM v/s future. At present, the stock discourages me from adding - there are reasons why it is amongst the lower portfolio allocations. Letā€™s see when and how the EU recovery pans out.

The current buy is around ~1900/1950. The previous was slightly higher. I exited expecting some correction and was hoping to re-enter around 1600-ish levels but it didnā€™t go as per expectation. Re-entered with a small allocation. I rarely have been able to hold high valuations for long periods, so maybe I will exit again when needed.

Disclaimer: I am not a SEBI registered advisor or analyst. This is my personal view and not a recommendation. I am often wrong and do change my views without informing anyone. Please consult your financial advisor.

10th July 2024

Names Invested %
PPFASšŸ”’ 24.7%
Triveni Engg 8.3%
Ami Organics 8.3%
Sansera EngineeringšŸ”’ 8.2%
Exide Industries 6.2%
Gokaldas (GOKEX) 5.4%
Lupin 4.5%
Shriram Piston 4.2%
Astec LifesciencesšŸ”’ 4.1%
Sudarshan Chem 4.1%
Craftsman 4.1%
Shyam Metalics 4.1%
TATA Motors - DVR 4.1%
Old Bridge 4.1%
Ion Exchange 3.0%
Rolex Rings 2.4%
  • I am struggling to find anything at a good valuation - I am raising cash. Have exited L&T at around 200% up.
  • Considering reducing allocations or exiting from other holdings over today and the next weeks. Canā€™t say how will I act here as the thought process is still evolving.

Disclaimer: I am not a SEBI registered advisor or analyst. This is my personal view and not a recommendation. I am often wrong and do change my views without being able to inform anyone. Please consult your financial advisor.