Priyank's Portfolio



  • Added Shyam Metalliks while exiting Sparc/Vindya/RACL/FDC/Kovai
  • No of holdings now stand at 22 (including MF)
  • Avg MarketCap to Sales (for direct equity): 2.8
  • Net uptick: 25.81%
  • During the month some equities/bonds were getting sold at very low prices so I took entries with a short-term POV. However, have exited them now with some profit (ex: GS2052, AllCargo etc)


MCap/Sales Names Invested % Net Returns FPD > 1
PPFAS🔒 20.33% 20.60% Yes
0.98 Godrej Agrovet🔒 8.68% 6.36%
1.51 Triveni Engg 6.95% 38.06%
0.70 BCL Industries 5.76% 11.29%
1.46 Exide Industries 5.25% 1.23%
2.25 Sansera Engineering🔒 5.02% 22.65%
7.23 Ami Organics 4.78% 8.18%
2.15 Gokaldas (GOKEK) 4.57% 103.58%
2.72 Greenpanel🔒 4.49% 4.30% Yes
3.12 Max India Ltd🔒 4.34% 18.41%
3.00 Lupin 3.80% 33.80%
12.20 M.K.Ventures🔒 3.51% 5.82%
0.72 TATA Motors - DVR 3.46% 7.00%
5.19 Borosil Renewables 3.38% -11.75%
2.18 L&T 3.25% 148.56% Yes
2.89 Shyam Metallics 2.77% 0.08%
2.31 TIIL🔒 2.75% 59.94%
3.69 Ion Exchange 2.56% 73.04% Yes
0.63 Cosmo First🔒 1.80% 2.83%
1.14 MMP Industries 1.18% 78.79%
5.36 Niyogin Fintech 1.01% -11.38%
2.07 Banka Bioloo 0.37% 4.43%
  • FPD>1: First purchase date was 365 days ago. May have added more / sold some at a later time

  • SHYAM METALICS: Needs a detailed post - will write later. (over the weekend hopefully)

  • RACL Geartech
    Exited somewhere between 60% to 80% uptick (it was insignificant so didn’t care to remember). Bet size was getting insignificant with time (not comfortable adding at this valuation). Secondly, at 4 times Market Cap to Sales, chances of valuation re-rating were low (for comparison, Sansera is 2.2 times).

  • FDC (< 1year)
    Exited at around 15% percent uptick. The re-rating could have limited upside from here onwards.

  • Vindhya Telelinks / Sparc Electrex
    Bought them to study since they looked interesting - but - too many unknowns and unable to put the needed time.

  • Kovai Medical
    Very consistently growing business but if I had to pay these valuations, why not target faster-growing companies? I still like this so maybe I’ll review at lower valuations.

Looking interesting: Private Banks, Natural Gas, Textiles, Water

Disclaimer: Views are personal and nothing I say is a recommendation. I often go wrong and may even change my views without informing anyone.