When it comes to an Either/Or decision, the question I ask myself is if it is a reversible decision or an irreversible one and what’s the penalty for being wrong. Reversible decisions make things easier. You lay down a thesis. Lay down an exit and take the punt with an appropriate position size. Anything doesn’t go according to the thesis, don’t re-justify, just exit and keep things simple. Posting about the position on an online forum induces one to defend it and that defence induces a commitment bias. So to answer your question - I don’t have an answer because I choose not to answer, as answering will make me married to the position.
I have understood the company in a certain way which I have listed out and I see certain transformations which I would like to participate in. If they don’t turn out the way I want it to in terms of certain quantifiable metrics (most listed in my initial post), I will be out. I have done this in the past in krbl and avanti and a few others where I have exited when my thesis did not hold and I hope I will continue to have the better sense. Lets see.