My US stock portfolio - started

One month performance update. Portfolio is 9.1% up from June 10th. Nasdaq100 was 6.2% up during the same period. Outperformance of ~46% vs. Nasdaq 100

Planning a top-up of similar amount following same strategy of equal allocation across stock with a small opportunistic bump to 3-4 stocks to round off.

Richly valued stocks like Nvidia, Atlassian are giving highest return


Hi ,
How do you do wire transfer to US. Do we have to go to banks branch to do wire transfer or can we do it online . can you explain the procedure.
I wanted to transfer money to fund my US portfolio .So far , my funding came from selling my RSU to fund US portfolio, but the problem is , i cant fully utilize the fall in market like one happened in feb/march .


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Transfer is a pain. I go to the Citi office in South end circle OR IDFC in Residency road to do it. Talk to the manager there for a good deal on the rates

I have transferred using IDFC First online. The purpose of Remittance should be “Portfolio Investment in Equity”. SBI Online doesn’t have this purpose.

Thanks @rkirana & @SS64
Looks like even icici bank also provides online wire transfer. But these guys are literally robbing us with currency charges of almost 2-3%. i guess some fintech companies should disrupt the forex transactions ( like zerodha did for brokerage)

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I use Bank of Baroda to transfer. A little bit more hassle but their rates are great.


Clearing corporation of India has come up with a portal call FX retail. You can speak with your bank for registration on the same platform. Registration is a bit tedious. Do not expect onboarding like the discount brokers. There is paperwork involved. However rates are excellent. Pretty close to interbank. (5-10 ps). Rather than 70-100 ps charged by banks.

If overseas transfer is regular. Registration on the platform with your bank will make sense.


Monthly portfolio check after almost 2.5 months. Portfolio is 15% up from June 10th

Forum members were questioning the purchase of high P/E tech stocks. Whoa - Atlassian has almost 50% up from my purchase price. Adobe, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Apple have driven huge gains

Will be doing a top-up round end of September. I plan to invest equal ratio across these same firms

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Hi Kiran - how is your portfolio doing now (after the recent correction)? Have you picked up any new stocks?

Thanks for the feedback, Ashish

Looks like the returns are very good

On investment of ~USD 98k, there is a 20K USD profit which means returns of 22% in the last 5 months. From June 10, the Nasdaq 100 has gone from 13600 to 15800 which is around 16%. So my portfolio beat Nasdaq100 comfortably

I have lined up another 85K USD to invest next week and week after. Will invest in the above companies (no new entries likely with a bigger position in Amazon and Google)
Below is my full US portfolio

High P/E stocks like Atlassian have done very well while low P/E stocks lagged. Some companies have split stock (Netflix) and some paid a good dividend (which explains some of the free cash). Atlassian almost doubled. Will be adding to it in the same proportion

All the stocks are compounding machines. Very pleased with the returns

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What is the maximum amount that can be invested in the US market? I remember reading about some limit .Also is it an annual limit or an overall limit?

250000 usd in a year

Are you following any advisory service

I am looking for good advisory service in USA

Do we, retail investors, really need advisory service in USA? Just frontline stocks with a sector diversification/allocation we are comfortable with (Technology, Pharma, Bank, Retail and others), or available actively managed ETFs do very well to generate superior return than inflation/or index.

Where to check GOOD ETFs to buy?

There are many, Check for Vanguard ETFs. Ark’s innovative ETFs performed very till last year, they kind of underperformed in last 6 months. Otherwise many S&P 500 index ETFs are available from different fund houses.
Check the underlying stocks, and how they performed in different time periods.
Direxion’s leveraged ETFs also doing well, but we need to understand the risk associated with it.


QQQ planning to invest… I started investing in 4 Ark etfs

Your view on QQQ

It is a passive fund, tracks the Nasdaq-100 Index - which is tech heavy and that’s why performs good, Good bet.

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Added USD 51K in funds today

Top ones in the portfolio that have run up more were allocated. So this is investing in what is doing well.
Profit was USD 22K on invested value of USD 97K. Added USD 51K investment today. this is the new position. I plan to invest total of USD 250K this year which means another USD 100k planned to be invested

Added: More of Atlassian, Nvidia, Netflix, ARKK, AAPL, Google, Adobe, Amazon, nutanix. To round off added some low P/E underperforming stocks like 3M and Texas instruments. Amazon was at a mouth watering price at below USD 3500 and so added a bit more of it in proportion to others
This is latest portfolio


@rakbals not able to access the link