Meet up in San Francisco / Bay Area

Folks, I will love to help organize a meet up for people based in San Francisco / Bay Area for discussing and learning about investment process and opportunities.

If you are interested, can you please message your email-id and I’ll share a Google spreadsheet where you can add your information. This will help keep this forum clean and personal information private.

Personally about me: I have been investing in Indian markers since 2006 and in US since 2014. For me investing is both a hobby and means to FIRE.

For the meetup/discussions we will follow the guidelines here and in compliance with SEC/SEBI rules.

ps: As I have met several Indian investors during their travels to Bay Area, If any of you are planning to visit - please feel free to add your information.


Too bad, I am in NJ. I would love to be part of such an event though.

I am in NJ too :slight_smile:

I am in texas too , It would be good to discuss different US companies which are undervalued in VP. please redirect me if there are already discussions happening for US stocks.

I am in Michigan, I can travel to NY or CA

Sushil, Can you please share your email-id and i can send you the link the spreadsheet to add your info.

Others, thanks for your interest. We have 6 people now, I’ll create a google group to co-ordinate and schedule a meetup. Please do add your info to the spreadsheet shared with your email-id, if not done already. thanks.

Im in bay area-Fremont…can join for meet-up…

Hi @npsivamca - Can you please ping me your email-d ? We have ~10 people now and will be great to get something setup in next couple of weeks.

Hi, I am in Texas…

I am in Portland. It’ll be nice to catch up and discuss ideas with folks here.

I am in the bay area. Please let me know if there is a meetup. I would like to get together. My number is +19794221314

is this still active? Would like to meet up. Just moved to Bay Area recently