Folks, I will love to help organize a meet up for people based in San Francisco / Bay Area for discussing and learning about investment process and opportunities.
If you are interested, can you please message your email-id and I’ll share a Google spreadsheet where you can add your information. This will help keep this forum clean and personal information private.
Personally about me: I have been investing in Indian markers since 2006 and in US since 2014. For me investing is both a hobby and means to FIRE.
For the meetup/discussions we will follow the guidelines here and in compliance with SEC/SEBI rules.
ps: As I have met several Indian investors during their travels to Bay Area, If any of you are planning to visit - please feel free to add your information.
I am in texas too , It would be good to discuss different US companies which are undervalued in VP. please redirect me if there are already discussions happening for US stocks.
Sushil, Can you please share your email-id and i can send you the link the spreadsheet to add your info.
Others, thanks for your interest. We have 6 people now, I’ll create a google group to co-ordinate and schedule a meetup. Please do add your info to the spreadsheet shared with your email-id, if not done already. thanks.