Malkd's Core Portfolio

Another Good one @Malkd Sir. May I suggest here that since u r playing this thru yield and asset quality play, consider studying InvITs ( Power\Road Infra assets) & Telecom tower assets play as well ( Indus Towers).

I was thinking on somewat similar lines and managed to seek and get good feedback from @dd1474. Sharing link to that post : -

This is one of the epic must-read post for anyone seeking to invest in these IT(Investment Trust) structures.

I understand that ur circle of competence is commercial Real Estate bt ultimately u r seeking higher yield with stability and capital appreciation. So tu summarize, it all comes down to leasing of these assets & related options for these : -

  1. Commercial Assets
  2. Power\Road assets
  3. Telecom Tower assets

Disclosure :- Not invested as of now. Studying these options to seek out the undervalued one of the lot, if any.