Krishna kumar Portfolio

Krishna, whats your opinion about Hawkins? Seems that market has given thumbs up to managements view at the AGM.


Hawkins is one stock which surprises me both positively and negatively. Negative when results are out and positively when the price does not fall too much!!! From the excerpts of the AGM and chairman’s speech , Personally feel finally hawkins has woken up from a long sleep and taking the aggressive actions which they should have done long back and should have got the first advantage but missed it. Better late than never.

With respect to new products, and extension of the existing products, it is welcome decision, but kindly dont expect any fireworks in the next quarter or two. They are competing against tough competitors and to grab market share from them will take time.

however the beauty of hawkins is that all they need to do is additional 70-80 crores in revenue than the previous year and move the Profit margins to 9 - 9.5% to give good returns. I believe this is what the market expecting.

Hi Krishna,

How’s the current portfolio looking?


Jatin, Not bad comparing year on year(YOY). Except hawkins and v-guard, majority of all others have performed tremendously.

Kaveri seeds (70%),

Symphony (45%)

V-mart (40%)


These are the stocks which i had added heavily last year and relate to the same.

Stocks which i have been holding for more than 2-3 years also performed good like Page and Mayur.

V-guard is in minor loss and hawkins is still in profit butopportunitycost is the factor here considering some great stocks discussed in this forum. After the Apr quarter there will be major reshuffling of the portfolio. Theme is to reduce the non performers and add the performers.

Hi Krishna,

Was reading your thread and got curious about your buying pattern. Once you decide your allocation, how much do you buy in 1 go? Also, do you use technicals to time your buy?

)- HG

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)- HG

usually it is 50-60% on average. If i have to allocate 10% for a stock i go for 5 - 6% initially. There have been instances where i have bought 30%(due to lack of funds) and gradually deployed. I do not track technicals and am not aware of it. I just look at the growth and the relative PE it is trading. for eg i added kaveri when it was trading at 10-11 Forward PE (expected 120-130 EPS for FY14). Similarly Symphony when it was trading at 12-14 PE(expected 21-22 EPS for FY14) forward. When earnings surprises, i get a better deal than anticipated.



Wahoo, that’s great.

Do you mind sharing current portfolio along with %age allocation to each & to CASH.


** looking?


Jatin, **

** tremendously.

Kaveri seeds (70%),

Symphony (45%)

V-mart (40%)


These **

same. **

Page and Mayur.

Sure. I will update once some reshuffling done and post you the latest.

Latest update.

Page - 22%



Kaveri seed - 12%

V-Mart- 8%


Shilpa - 6%

PI Ind- 6%

Hawkins - 4%

Alembic pharma - 1%

Entered Alembic recently. Exited V-guard. reduced hawkins.

A year has passed since we heard about your portfolio updates. Can you please …?


True. Time flies fast. No major changes in the portfolio. Exited alembic and hawkins long back. Trimmed Symphony.

Added more PI Industries, marksans pharma(6%) and zen Technologies (4%).

Hi Krishna,

Nice to have you writing back here. What is the rationale for Marksans, please?

Was it bought at much lower price & as a turnaround bet OR do you expect solid compounding from Marksans?


Marksans, i am interested about their US operations. Lets see how it unfolds.