Kaveri seeds company limited -- kscl

Dear Hitesh,

I am an ardent fan of your analysis. However, some comments hurt me and others who may be following this blog. It was said there are a silent few who do not contribute but enjoy the fruits. I do agree as I do not write or contribute. However, these silent soldiers are required too. All fingers are not of the same size. It is also to be looked at from another angle. Without therecipientthere cannot be a giver. This is my personal view. All cannot be givers and viceverse.

The reason to write is about Kaveri Seeds which is a very good stock. But on Saturday 20th October, 2012 i read the following:

Supreme Court panel recommends stopping GM crop trials.

This will have a big impact on a company like Kaveri Seeds. Please give me your views.

Also like your techno funda. Will write my views on the same. Have you heard of Point and Figures?? If not will give a write up for the benefit of all with copy of book and site available.

Do keep up the good work you and Donald, Ayush, Dwhaneil and the rest are doing. I love this blog. It is a surely a Hidden Gem.


therecipientthere viceverse.

hi tony,

regarding above i dont know where any hurtful matter has been written by me. I quite understand that not everybody visiting the forum will be writing or contributing and thats perfectly okay.

regarding the matter of supreme court ruling any links?

1 Like

here is one possible link:


thanks for the link.

I think there is widespread opposition to supreme court ruling and it does not seem consistent with the scientific advisory committee findings and the supreme court report also mite bite the dust.

Dear Hitesh,

The link given by Amit is correct. What is your view? Should one invest or hold on till clarity comes?

Another link is here:


Thanks Hitesh for your quick reply. I truly appreciate it.


Dear Hitesh,

Here is what Kiran Mazumdar has to say on GM crops:


Swaminathan Aiyar on GM crops:



Read through the entire post. Seems an interesting story with great numbers in the past, however couple of questions that i think need to be answered to see if this growth is sustainable in the long run -

1). BT cotton market is pretty saturated market, both in terms of volume and price. Recent success of Kaveri is based on gain in market share - how much more can they grab from others? according to company Q&A, one variety of seeds succeed for 4-5 years before problems crop up.

2). Other crops - Seems like hybrid seeds will grow because of higher yields. Spoke to a friend of mine who does farming in Punjab - he said they buy hybrid seeds from local companies ( who get technology from local agricultural colleges) and mix with produce from last year. Prelim research shows that there are a number of small hybrid seed manufacturers. Was wondering, why in this industry consolidation will happen, if localized knowledge of soil and climate is the key. Was wondering, if the company has shared data on revenue by state or is this largely a AP success story?

3). Would be curious to see to see the success story of Monsanto - they operate in a number of regions globally - how do they loacalize their hybrid seeds, or is it mostly a genetic modified seeds licensed to local companies story. Will do some research and come back.

kaveri seeds as expected has come out with low key q2 fy 13 numbers.

period q1 fy 13 q1 fy 12 h1 fy 13 h1 fy 12

sales 63 48 543 289

NP 6.6 5.16 107 52

eps 4.8 3.7 78.6 38

full year eps likely to be close to 85-90 per share.

Stock has reached 1180 levels today which is close to the 1200 levels we were anticipating post the stellar q1 fy 13 numbers.

Now the question remains about what next to expect in terms of price performance. Targets of flag pattern breakout are closer to 1350 levels so lets see if and when they are achieved.

The stock is on fire since Hitesh ji recommended this . Here is the concall recording

Source :- www.researchbytes.com


Andhra has been reeling from heavy floods since last one week or so. Just heard that there has been heavy damage to crops.

Any views on impact on Kaveri?



Andhra has been reeling from heavy floods since last one week or so. Just heard that there has been heavy damage to crops.

Any views on impact on Kaveri?



As per Q2 2012 concall, cyclone ‘Nilam’ would not be of much impact for Kaveri as such. Moreimportantly, top line guidance for FY14 was given at ~20%.


Some rough notes from Kaveri Seeds Q2 Conf call

Revenue Contribution for first half year - (rough)

Cotton - 360 cr. - 40 lac packets, 2nd to Nuziveedu

Paddy - 40 cr. - 200 tons

Bajra - 30cr. - bazra - 1550 tons

maize - 65 cr. - 6000 tons of maize

Revenue Guidance for FY-14 - 20%

Cotton seed Market Share - State-wise

Andhra - 12% (15-16 lac packets out of 40 lacs total)

MH/MP - 5% ( 12 lac packets)

gujarat - 2.5% ( Has a market size of 40-50 lac packets, only 2 lac packet sold this year. Looks like next area of focus for growth)

KexVegshouldbreak eventhis year.

Inventory )- standing crops are taken as inventory. Inventory are 209 cr. (last year was 140cr.) - more than 120 cr. is ofcotton, 25-20 cr. maize, 10 cr of packing material etc… This is key item to monitor and giving a half year balance sheet i think has helped.

The company is generating considerable amount’s of cash, so what’s the plan of usage:

)- No major capex plan in near future, the business doesn’t require much capex on an on-going basis and they have done 200cr. capex in last 4-5 years. May be 15-20 cr. needed for somemachinerythis year.

)- Board will decide on the dividend policy going forward. No plan for buyback. The company wants to stay in Agri businesswhich does not require much capex. 2 institutions had the same question and i think now there should be some pressure on the mgmt. to consider it seriously.

Controversy about thesupremecourt panelsrecommendationfor 10 yr moratorium on bt seed field trial - and it’s impact on seeds market

)- setback for ppl in genetically modified crops. Specially maize & rice.

)- may not have great impact on companies already dealing with bt cotton.

)- If they stop trials of bt. cotton, then they will have not evidence if to allow GM or non GM

-Monsantois coming with some new genes. There is dilemma if this ruling will impact them.

)- they have already taken trial, the issue may get clarified in next 1 or 2 months. They don’t see much impact hybrid market.

Again, here is the latest news, whereby center has opposed the moratorium on field trials of gm crops


Taxation -

)- There is no tax on seeds business. Tax is paid for only the 10% ofcottonseeds which is soldthroughco-marketers and micro-nutrient business. Co-Marketing is done Mainly to penetrate some new markets. Company is trying to move away with this as margin here is only 40-50 rs per packet (cotton).

Am getting little uncomfortable now as the valuation seems to have caught up w.r.t to current year expected earningsAlso, the uncertainty about the gm crop is a dampener.But on the positive, I think rate of growth in inventory (50% -which was identified as key item to monitor) is telling a different story than the 20% revenue guidance (which is not bad). Also, it just takes the first quarter of the next FY to get an idea about the FY14 earnings for this company. Anyone has any record of management’s record in terms meeting guidance or over-delivering etc ?

Disc: I am invested since 430 odd levels and done major addition at 800 levels.

Yesterday one seed co JK agrigenetics seems shot up by 10%. Is the process of rerating of seed co is on? I think all Kaveri seed investors should wait till Nuziveedu IPO n listing. This might be the only sector in the entire agrichain which is free from subsidies n growing at 20 % .land is limited population is burgeoning so growth is assured. Kaveri is one rare company promoted by a Kisan Mr Bhaskara rao having unblemished track record of 25 years which though is from Andhra is highly ethical. Andhra Pradesh is highly suitable for seed production cos due to its weather . Rice hybrid is slowly spreading its wing in India s well it seems .was speaking to a farmer from Purnea Bihar who was saying that Maize seeds are almost entirely hybrid and for Rice also hybrid usage is increasing.

Thanks are due to Hiitesh Bhai for wealth creation and knowledge enhancement in this interesting field.

Hi Friends,

I was looking at the BS of the co for Sept and I’m a bit surprised to see that the investments are at just 40 odd Cr vs 100 Cr+ as on March 2012.

As the season is over this investment should have increased.

I think we should check up on this point seriously.


PS: Have done some profit booking recently


Firstly they have paid of 19 Cr in short term borrowings (Mar-12) which is 0 now (Sep-12)

High capital investment in seeds division, building inventory for next June ?

Capital employed for Seeds division has increased from 236.39 Cr (Mar-12) to 336.28 Cr(Sep-12)

While inventories have actually reduced from 303 Cr(Mar-12) to 209.81Cr(Sep-12)

If the ROCE is maintained at healthy levels, should this be a concern that investments have reduced from 117 Cr(Mar-12) to 41.56 Cr (Sep-12).

Cash has also decreased from 9.61 Cr(Mar-12) to 5.5 Cr(Sep-12)

Ayush can you help us understand this a little better ?



Hi Rudra and Ayush,

I now vaguely remember hearing in the last conf call that payments were made to growers for this season. Does that make sense ?


I have missed out on Kaveri. Is the 5% fall today a good chance to make an entry or is it prudent to wait for a better entry.

Was a report recommending Kaveri in a popular
picks blogspot appearing was responsible for the sudden shooting up n then severe downfall today ? A sign of pump n dump ?

There is a news of some oversight on part of three scientists in the use of the BT cotton gene which has contaminated the indigenous variety. This news flow could be a trigger for this sell-off as any company which probably has anything to do with BT cotton is being hammered. This news obviously has nothing to do with Kaveri seeds
