Kaveri seeds company limited -- kscl

does this provide a good entry point for new investors like me who have no exposure to the stock…

I had a query sorry if it may silly or stupid, pardon me for it. I read about the huge germaplasm bank of the company…so basically this the company has developed for hybrids yet it pays monsanto royalty of few Rs per bag…so wondering how this works out practically…since on one hand there is huge germaplasm bank and on other hand it is paying royalty…

in the stock story Monsanto is mentioned as a competitor yet here it seems like a strategic partnership since royalty is paid…


Regarding entry into kaveri, I think it would be wise to allow the stock to consolidate at a level once this correction gets over and then contemplate an entry.

Thank you Hitesh Bhai…I have sent a message to you regarding Talwalkars…if you get some time request you to please look into it…

do anybody know what is the market for soyabean hybrid seeds

Hi Hitesh/Hemant/ Ayush / Donald and all the rest

Rebel Activist exposes GM Lies. This appeared in Economic Times dated 16/01/2013.


Mark Lynas assumed that GM would increase the use of chemicals.

Truth: It turned out that pest resistant cotton and maize needed less insecticide.

Myth: GM benefited large corporations.

Truth: Benefits accrued to the farmers.

Myth: Terminator technology was robbing farmers of seeds.

Truth: Hybrids did this long ago and t)Terminator never happened.

Myth: No one wanted GM.

Truth: Bt. cotton was pirated into India because farmers were eager to use them.

Myth: GM was dangerous.

Truth: It was more safer and more precise than conventional breeding

This article is dedicated to those who own Kaveri Seed.

I had these shares but sold them. I clone Hitesh/ Hemant Gupta, Ayush etc.

The best way to learn and earn in stock markets is to clone the best stock pickers. I have benefited immensely from this strategy.

Ahh, the golden truth :). It took me more than a year to realize that it pays substantially more if you clone valuepickr seniors like Hitesh/Hemant/Donald/Ayush/Safir. I call it copy-paste investing.

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Count me too in that cloner / copy-paster list - Astral, Canfin, Wimplast, Mayur etc. Jai Ho Mohnish Pabrai !! he would proudly say that all of have become “dhandho” investors :slight_smile:

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Bumper Crop!
Q3/Fy-13 Results out…

9M/Fy-13 v/s 9M/Fy-12:

Total Income Almost doubled to 636.85 Cr from 330.8 Cr.
EBIDTA up 76% to 126.68 Cr from 71.95 Cr.
PAT Almost doubled to 118.74 Cr from 60.6 Cr.

EBIDTA margin is 19.9% v/s 21.8%
PAT margin is 18.6% v/s 18.3%

Total Raw material costs as a %ge to Income is 40.8% v/s 38.9%
Employee costs to Income is 2.2% v/s 3.4%
Other expenses to Income is 37.1% v/s 36%

No change in Tax Rate @ 2.5%

Reported 9-month EPS 86.66 v/s 40.36 (Fy/11-12: 42.40)

On 14/02/2013, stock on BSE Closed at Rs. 1345/-

Is this kind of growth sustainable?

hi deepak,

are you sure this is in crores and not lacs?

Yes Hemant! its all Crores!!

But please note that result compared for cumulative 9-months and not quarterly.

where do u gotresults???

missed that bit :slight_smile:


the last sentence from you needs a bit of thinking over.

is this kind of growth sustainable?

If it keeps on growing even at a slower pace, the earnings will keep driving stock price.

div of rs 8 is measly. they could have done with a hefty dividend of maybe 25-30 rs to signal good intentions.

compare companies like kkcl, page, msp etc which give out good consistent dividends. div payout is an important determinant of PE accorded to stocks.

Hi Deepak,

Thank you for giving super fast result updates with nice concise details, its a joy to read your updates.

I could not locate the results anywhere. Was there any mistake in your source? Pls check.

Hitesh Bhai,

If the said results are correct Kaveri is again available at less than 11 times FY13EPS? Good time to re-enter?



**It is available at the following link on nse. **

http://nseindia.com/corporate/KSCL_31DEC2012_B_Q3.zip Link: http://nseindia.com/corporate/KSCL_31DEC2012_B_Q3.zip

Thank you Manish Bhai.

Pls correct my earlier EPS projection as FY14 and not FY13.

The assumption was a 40% growth in EPS in FY14.



if i remember correctly someone at this thread at nicely pointed the relation between inventory and the future sales of Kaveri…

So according to filing by the company a point to note is huge increase in raw materials consumption from 32 cr to 220 cr and change in inventory to 179 crores as against 17 cr only.

This indicates that the company is expecting huge surge in sales in the coming quarters and in anticipation of that production of seed has been increased manifold.

we can expect huge increase in turnover in the coming quarters and also in profitability.


I would request members who have tracked Kaveri to share their views…

Hi Maverick,

I had only pointed that out :slight_smile: in the Oct 2011 post in this thread.

But I was using the balance sheet figures. You have pointed out to something very interesting in this aspect - the increase/decrease in inventory figure mentioned in the P&L. It is 179 Cr in Q-3 this year compared to 17 Cr in Q-3 last year.

Yes, they could be building up inventory for the June quarter big bash. The balance sheet figure after Q-4 results will be a much better indicator.

Could Manish bhai provide some insight on the feedback from farmers. We know Kaveri’s growth is based on eating-up market share of others, but a severe fall in area under cultivation due to weak cotton prices can lead to margin decline.



Yes, weak cotton prices hasto some extent made the farmers moving to other crops. e.g. We have sown Guar Gum crop this season. But the %age of farmers moving away could not be that high to make a significant difference. I have not been in touch with the farmers recently. Will get some feedback from the farmers from Vadodara and Saurashtra regions and revert back.

I think its interesting to see the company increase the div to Rs 8 in the interim from total Rs 4 last year. So with a final div remaining, perhaps the pay-put ratio will improve (though agree with Hitesh that its still low).

Looking at the high PE etc and reading about the lower acreage in cotton, I had exited the stock. But we should do some work on the upcoming season…may be increase in inventory is a pointer.
