Kaveri seeds company limited -- kscl

Hi Manish,

Thanks. This means that Nuziveedu & Kaveri will actually be fighting it out primarily in AP and Maharashtra - which is 50% of the Market. (Gujarat is 40% of the market).

Tirumal Rao, OmPrakash, Richa - Can you establish if Rasi is present at all in AP?. Ajit is present significantly in AP, as per the Hyd dealer we had met. Ajit was no 4 according to him after Nuziveedu, Kaveri, Mahyco in AP.

That leaves us Maharshtra to crack? Gaurav Chandak, Saurabh Srivastava - any inputs/leads we can follow up with?



Where can I find Management Q&A on this?

they have not yet been posted. donald will post them in some time.

Thanks Hitesh.

Here is a link (though old) about organic cotton vs bt cotton.


Aamir Khan’s Satyamev Jayate episode on toxic food a few months back (http://www.satyamevjayate.in/issue08/) had suggested growing clout of organic farming at much lower costs and very high yields.

India does not need GM /BT crops.


Info abot kaveri from company employee + Distributor

{ they also have nuzeevidu distributorship } @ washim district maharashtra

Q 1 - Can wecompair kaveris product with nuzeevidu’ s product ?

Ans- Yes they have quality product we can compair it.

Q .2 what About kaveris market share ?

Ans -inspite of decline in overall sale ofcotton seed kavei have grownfrom 19000 pkt last year to 75000 pkt. this year in washimdistrict.

In 20-25 Min talk on phone overall he was superbullishon kaveri’s products. He was employee of BAYER due to his love with kaveri he left that mnc 1 month back and joined kaveri.

one more thing due to overall decline in sale every other company have cut down jobs . kaveri is only one who recruited employees.

Hey Gaurav,

This is great. extremely encouraging news. even if for one district. where is Washim district in Mahrashtra?

Can you also ask him about whole of Maharashtra? Can he collect this info from other distributor friends?


Thanks. Adding to tcx further questions. Which are the other top seed companies in whole of Maharashtra? Nuziveedu? Rasi? What about Ajit? Tulsi? Vibha?

Thx a lot in advance:)



Finally we have the pleasure of presenting to you Kaveri Seed Management Q&A.

Sorry for the inordinate delay…to capture it back at this level …recreating the whole discussion flow…takes me some uninterrupted time of 3-4 hours. I had tried to make sure you have most of the information that matters by posting direct info on the Industry primer and player snapshots,etc.

Let us know, what you think of the whole thing now? Are we on track with our investigation?



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When I try to click on the link for Management Q&A it says you do not have sufficient permission to see it.


Hi Kushal,

Sorry that was my mistake. I had forgotten to ask for permission settings to be enabled.

This has been rectified. Everyone should be able to access now. Please check


thanks gaurav chandak for the updates.



after nuziveedu , Ajit 155cotton is growing very strongly. will try to collect other info as soon as possible.


thanx doald , tcx and hitesh bhai forencouraging my very small work.

Hi Gaurav, Thanks for the good work. Can you also ask about non-cotton seeds and their prospects?

Donald, thanks for the management Q&A. Good work as usual.

Gaurav, thanks for the update. These ground works are very important in validating our hypothesis.


Thank you Donald and team hyderabad for a splendid job with the management Q&A!

So do we conclude that the Q-1 blockbuster was planned? They were prepared for it. 303 Cr inventory as on 31st March 2012 vs 165 Cr as on 2011 March.

Here is small analysis on end of the year inventory and next year first quarter sales

Inv as on 31st March in Cr Q-1 next yr sales %
2009 76 100 132%
2010 128 148 116%
2011 165 240 145%
2012 303 479 158%

Stock price as on 1st june after inventory information made public was Rs 740! Yes they could go wrong on their planned sales in future.

So not much revelations on the germplasm thing? We had identified that as the key strength of Kaveri and I would continue to beleive so (R@D and germplasm). Infact he has emphasized that success primarily depends on the product.

Donald, any info Kexveg? I think the huge land parcel is for expanding the farming business for this brand. Any idea on its growth potential?

20% growth for next 3 years is good enough for me.

Hitesh bhai,is theresome weakness in the stock now? What does the chart tell you?



Disc: Kaveri forms 16% of my portfolio.


Nice way to look at the inventory data. You are quick to catch the important parts:)

But your fascination with KexVg is baffling —that will just be what it is - exotic, without meaningful additions to top or bottomline - not before 5 years.

Most important things as per me

1). Management Integrity is unquestionable

2). they will grow at 20% for next 2-3 years, that’s very good

3). Growth will not come from KexVg, or MIcroteck - that was made very very clear

4). Growth will continue to come from existing segments for next 2-3 years)

5). Next growth trigger is Rice Hybrids - after 3 years - I think we should take them seriously on this; collect more facts; there are trials by Syngenta going on for last 4 years, with some 40% yield improvements

Get more statewise/regionwise data on Cotton, collect more data on Rice Hybrid and quiz Kaveri Management a second time - this time because of too much info too soon - we couldnt do a good qualifying job of their responses; next round will achieve that

In my opinion - there are good strengths on the table - for an investment decision; My objective would be to establish if the strengths are great to excellent - then this is is a very very exciting bet for the long term. If not, then its a normal bet.

All facts collected so far, point to guys a)are ethical, b) who execute very well on the ground and c)might have excellent products up the sleeve

a0 & b) are a given and good enough for investment, but if c) is also there:))

I am off circulation from tomorrow morning till Sunday 14th - some BITS meet:). Please carry forward the discussions.

Kaveri is still potentially one of the most exciting bets in ValuePickr stocks. BUT, that is yet to be established. There are still many IFs:(



link http://www.valuepickr.com/forum/techno-funda-picks/466288283

kaveri seems to be breaking out of the flag pattern.

stock up by around 6-7% today.

Kaveri Seed rises on talk of punter buying stock in bulk.
