Just Dial: First Mover of Indian Local Search Market

what i see is Revenue :- 3310 mn - 505 = 2801 mn
PBT:- 1538 mn
NP :- 1405 mn
EPS:- 16.60

Highest ever revenues and net profit margins , its compltetely on the right trajectory of growth ,with backing of Mukesh ambani it could be great value creator in coming qtrs?
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according to my knowledge this company could be biggest beneficiery of the development in AI & ML front…
like what happened in past “The makers of referigerators are nothing today but those who have used it are far larger then inventors”.

Disc. :- invested with 20% of PF.

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Just notice that the tax is very less this quarter so x4 for year might not be true unless there is sequential growth over quarters