Journey and Portfolio of a goal-based NEEV investor

Russell Napier’s 21 lessons offer profound insights into the complexities of economics and investing. By understanding and applying these principles, we can navigate the markets more effectively and make informed decisions that align with our long-term success.

1. Analyze Supply and Demand Equally

When evaluating markets, it’s crucial to spend as much time analyzing supply as you do demand. Focusing solely on one side can lead to skewed conclusions and missed opportunities.

2. GDP and Equity Returns

Contrary to popular belief, GDP growth has no direct relation to future equity returns. Understanding this disconnect can help investors make more informed decisions.

3. Gordon Pepper’s Law

When you encounter something unsustainable, estimate how long it can last, then double that period and subtract a month. This approach helps in managing expectations and risks.

4. The Power of Incentives

Incentives drive behavior. When faced with tough choices, governments will often prioritize controlling exchange rates over other factors. Always consider the underlying incentives in economic policies.

5. Government Market Preferences

Governments support markets as long as they produce favorable outcomes. Recognize that governments are not neutral actors; they have vested interests and take sides.

6. Corporate Profits Mean Reversion

Corporate profits tend to revert to the mean relative to GDP. This strong trend is likely to continue in free societies, providing a reliable indicator for long-term investments.

7. Assessing Monetary Policy

Evaluate monetary policy by looking at both the quantity of money and interest rates. A holistic view provides a clearer picture of economic conditions.

8. The Dangers of Speculation

The most dangerous form of speculation is the reach for yield. Chasing higher returns without considering the risks can lead to significant losses.

9. Populism and Constitutions

Populism poses little threat to countries with strong constitutions. Robust legal frameworks can withstand political fluctuations and safeguard economic stability.

10. Predicting Debt Defaults

A country’s history of debt defaults is the best predictor of future defaults. Past behavior often indicates future risks, providing a critical warning sign for investors.

11. Equity Valuations and Inflation

High equity valuations tend to decrease slowly with inflation but fall rapidly with deflation. Understanding this relationship helps in timing market entries and exits.

12. Emerging Market Equity

Avoid investing in emerging market equity if the country’s exchange rate is overvalued. Overvaluation can lead to sudden corrections and significant financial losses.

13. Tourism as an Indicator

Tourism is a reliable indicator of an overvalued exchange rate. High tourism inflows often signal that a currency is too strong, which can precede a devaluation.

14. CAPE and Equities

Buy equities when the CAPE (Cyclically Adjusted Price-to-Earnings) ratio is below 10, except under certain conditions: if you foresee communism or fascism, potential war destruction, or a new currency regime with an overvalued exchange rate.

15. Democracy and Capital Controls

Democracies are better suited to implementing capital controls than allowing free movement of capital. Political stability and public support can facilitate effective economic policies.

16. Inflation Without Printing

Governments do not need to print money to inflate away debts; they can use citizen savings through financial repression. Thus, hyperinflation is unlikely in the developed world.

17. Technology and Inflation

Despite advancements, technology does not defeat inflation. Technological progress may drive efficiency, but inflationary pressures persist due to various economic factors.

18. Monetary System Failure Cycle

Monetary systems tend to fail about every 30 years. This cyclical nature necessitates preparedness for systemic changes and disruptions.

19. Money Disequilibrium

Money is almost always in disequilibrium. Constant adjustments and imbalances are inherent in monetary systems, requiring vigilant analysis and adaptation.

20. Decimal Point Forecasts

Never trust a forecast with a decimal point. Such precision often masks underlying uncertainties and can be misleading.

21. Extrapolation

Extrapolation is the opiate of the people. Relying on past trends to predict future outcomes can lead to complacency and poor decision-making.

Here’s the video (in case you’re interested in his 60-min talk)

Credit: used chatgpt 4o for clarity and easy reading


Portfolio update:

Date: 3rd June 2024

Short update: Did nothing. Continuing to buy, hold & track while focusing on portfolio longevity and respecting mean reversion and probability.

However, keeping a close watch on PHANTOM VFX, VBL, NARAYANA and WONDERLA.

Here’s my latest portfolio :

Stock name Weight Avg P/E Total P/L IRR Action
MOST 100 ETF 8.9% 19.3 55% 29%
TATA INVEST CORP 7.4% 24.6 246% 148%
BANK BEES ETF 7.2% 12.4 38% 21%
TIPS LIMITED 7.1% 19.3 130% 57%
BAJAJ FINANCE 6.9% 22.2 37% 12%
COAL INDIA 6.8% 4.5 96% 116%
TITAN 6.5% 46.7 93% 23%
IRCTC 6.3% 26.8 251% 56%
CASH 5.5% -
DIXON 5.5% 42.2 522% 99%
PIDILITE 4.5% 56.5 69% 18%
ASIAN PAINTS 4.1% 46.9 22% 7%
INDIAMART 3.8% 44.7 41% 29%
VARUN BEVERAGES 3.8% 44.2 101% 58%
NARAYANA HEALTH 3.7% 23.5 30% 32%
TATA ELXSI 3.2% 34.2 153% 50%
AMARA RAJA * 3.1% 14.0 77% 111%
IEX 2.9% 14.7 127% 19%
WONDERLA * 1.5% 32.5 -6% -14%
PHANTOM VFX 1.4% 34.0 -11% -15%

*(asterisk) signifies <1 yr holding period.

Note: Overall cash position is at its highest as per expectation in 2024.

Here’s the return profile till 31 May 2024:

TRI till 31 May 2024 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y 5Y Since inception
PORTFOLIO -2.1% -1.8% 13.8% 35.1% 15.0% 21.9% 20.9%
NIFTY 50 -0.2% 2.1% 11.6% 21.3% 13.0% 14.2% 14.6%
NIFTY 500 0.2% 4.4% 16.8% 33.6% 17.4% 17.3% 15.9%

Note: 1/3/6M is in absolutes while the 1/3/5Y/SI is annualized. The inception date is 10th Nov 2016.

Disclaimer: I am neither a financial nor a SEBI registered advisor. The content shared here is only for learning purposes. So please use your discretion to make any buy/sell decision and not use the above as a recommendation.


Hi @goofymanager
Pls direct me to some tools or some resources where I can calculate my returns like you do. Thanks

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Hi @goofymanager me too would like you to share tool on hownto calculate above

@Mudit.Kushalvardhan @Shashank_Mohan i use value research online’s premium subscription to calculate. hope this helps!

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tldr - type 1 error (aka error of commission) can have more damage to our portfolio and return over a period of time, than type 2 error (aka error of omission) since markets like life is a constant battle of reality vs perception.

if above statement confuses anyone, just replace “actual = reality” and “predicted = perception” in the image while good represents “good companies” and bad represents “bad companies”. that should clear the picture.

we have to save ourselves from ourselves, where we perceive a bad company as a good one leading to a false positive narrative aka type 1 error aka error of commission.


Process v outcome” - explained most optimally.

This thread on what delivers total shareholders returns over long time is more apt from the lens of process v outcome as well

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Portfolio update (June 2024):

Update: Used 4th June market crash to deploy ~4% of cash in the existing portfolio (which gave >10% gain so far - luck has many names); namely TIPS LTD, IRCTC, COAL INDIA, VARUN BEV, NARAYANA and WONDERLA.

Also, 100% exited PHANTOM VFX (with minor tuition fees) position since the expected triggers did not pan out. New challenges from Gen AI continue to create difficulties in perception (although reality might be different). Also, the company’s corp governance wrt of disclosure looked lackadaisical (ref: June 1, 2024). Also “receivables” crept up to Rs 51 cr in FY24 from Rs 16 cr in FY23. The risk/reward of holding a micro-cap stock without growth triggers, corp gov challenges and unfavourable financials (receivables) doesn’t look favourable at this point. Hopefully, the learnings of this industry will help in the future.

Again, I feel there are very few opportunities for me right now. Hence, shoring up cash once again and spending more time expanding my circle of competence.

Although studying the paper Industry (have learnings from SATIA), co-working space, wealth management and few opportunities in spaces wrt premiumization trend.

Here’s my latest portfolio:

Stock name Weight Avg P/E Current P/L Total P/L IRR % Action
MOST 100 ETF 8.8% 17.9 66% 68% 32.9
BANK BEES ETF 7.1% 12.0 42% 42% 21.6
TATA INVEST CORP 6.9% 24.6 246% 250% 142.5
TIPS LIMITED 6.8% 20.4 102% 122% 56.8 Added more
BAJAJ FINANCE 6.7% 22.2 36% 42% 13.0
IRCTC 6.7% 29.0 145% 189% 53.5 Added more
DIXON 6.4% 42.1 355% 601% 101.6
COAL INDIA 6.4% 4.7 68% 74% 91.4 Added more
TITAN 6.3% 46.7 85% 101% 23.6
VARUN BEVERAGES 5.2% 53.9 82% 83% 64.8 Added more
PIDILITE 4.4% 56.6 64% 78% 19.2
AMARA RAJA * 4.0% 10.1 145% 146% 190.4
INDIAMART 3.9% 44.8 9% 51% 32.2
NARAYANA HEALTH 3.9% 24.1 29% 29% 32.3 Added more
ASIAN PAINTS 3.8% 46.1 9% 25% 8.0
CASH 3.8% - - -
IEX 3.2% 14.7 213% 166% 22.5
TATA ELXSI 3.0% 34.2 61% 156% 50.1
WONDERLA * 2.7% 31.5 4% 4% 15.3 Added more

*(asterisk) signifies <1 yr holding period.

Here’s the return profile till June 2024:

TRI till June 2024 1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y 5Y Since inception
PORTFOLIO 4.9% 7.7% 14.0% 39.8% 14.5% 23.8% 22.3%
NIFTY 50 4.5% 8.2% 10.6% 27.0% 14.7% 15.4% 15.0%
NIFTY 500 4.7% 11.9% 16.5% 38.9% 18.4% 18.7% 16.3%

Note: 1/3/6M is in absolutes while the 1/3/5Y/SI is annualized. The inception date is 10th Nov 2016.

Disclaimer: I am neither a financial nor a SEBI registered advisor. The content shared here is only for learning purposes. So please use your discretion to make any buy/sell decision and not use the above as a recommendation.





How are you able to calculate cagr returns since inception and over long term along with incremental addition of capital at various intervals in between till date?

I use valueresearch website. You can upload your past trade transaction and it will calculate CAGR over different time period. Thanks!

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