Is there any good on-line library to borrow books related to investing

It is always expensive to buy books related to investing. i have seen books recommended by sanjay bakshi , vishal kandelwal, and many other.
And these books are not available on normal book renting websites.

So i was thinking if any of you guys know about borrowing the book

Have most of these books as PDF. Readily downloadable.
If you have trouble locating, I can help.

Pdf, i was able to locate most of them.but i am looking for physical books to borrow.

its never expensive to buy a book if you derive more value out of it than you pay for it ( otherwise you will not buy it in the first place ) - also these books you may wish to refer more often so borrowing is a bad idea .Need to consider what is an expense and what is an investment.


Folks it is illegal to download PDF of any books. Use for buying, During discount sale mostly you should be getting for 50% or sometimes more discount. I’ve personally bought books at over 85% discount too.

Secondly, you may buy used books from (USA Site) if you know someone can bring them to India. I’ve bought books for less than $3 including shipping (free for Prime members) which otherwise cost thousands of rupees in India.

Thirdly the cost of ignorance is more than the cost of buying books, IMHO.


I am building my own investing books library. Although I have most of these PDFs I find physical book easy to read. I spend close to 5000-6000 each month on an average…sometimes more…to buy these books. I have now hundreds in my personal library. I might have spent lacs of Rupees on these books so far. Plus book cabinet etc.
But you know something…The return on that investment is in multiples…not percentage. All that knowledge has given me confidence, skills, methodology and a means to invest sensibly. It helped me protect my money and grow it multi fold. The investment in education always pays. No shortcuts there. On the other hand I save money elsewhere so I always have lot of money to buy my favorite books.


Thank you all for the valuable answer. And also for the guidance …

girish can you please share name of some good reads

i dont know if you are aware of this nice post @safalniveshak

I am not going to cover Ben Graham books. I am assuming you know all that because you are part of ValuePickr :grinning:

  1. The most important thing by Howard Marks
  2. Margin of safety by Seth Klarman
  3. Peter lynch books
  4. Essays of warren Buffet
  5. Warren Buffet way by Hangstrom
  6. Private Capital by Guy Thomas (Strongly recommended for private investors)
  7. Both Books by Bruce Greenwald
  8. The Manual of Ideas
  9. The art of value investing
  10. Financial shenanigans
  11. Creative cashflow accounting
  12. Money masters of our time by john train
  13. Competitive advantage and competitive strategy by Michel porter
  14. Accounting for value by Stephen Penmen
  15. The devil takes hind side
  16. The 52 week Low formula
  17. Contrarian investment strategies by Dreman
  18. Common stock uncommon profits by Philip Fisher
  19. The five rules for successful stock investing by Pat Dorsey
  20. What works on wall street

…and so many more…

Enjoy reading and learning some thing new every day… till very end!


Great Collection and recommendation. Many thanks.
I will add few more to this exhaustive list

  1. FIASCO by Frank Partony, its on gimmics of wall street (Recommended by Charlie munger)
  2. Understanding Micheal Porter by Joan Magretta
  3. The little book of behavioural Investing by James Montier
  4. The little book that still beats the market by Joel Greenblatt
  5. You can be a stock market genius by Joel Greenblatt
  6. Deep Value by Tobias E. Carlisle
  7. Buffett: The making of an American capitalist

and many more. Have fun filled learning :grinning:


Good you mentioned these books…especially Joel Greenblatt and Deep Value books. They are excellent ones.

For interested I also recommend…

  1. Superforecasting (Released recently) On how to think probabilistically on uncertain matters. Class book.
  2. Davis dynasty by Rothshield on Great super investor Shelby Davis and his son and grandson. All investors.
  3. Against the Gods by Peter Bernstein (On the concept of risk and probability)
  4. Thinking fast and slow by Dan Kahenman
  5. Misbehaving by Thaler On behavioral matters
  6. Why You Win or Lose: The Psychology of Speculation By Fred Kelly Written in 1929 by private investor who made millions in the market by going against the crowd systematically.
  7. Doamodaran on valuation
  8. Stock market wizardds - There are profiles of value investors in his books which are astounding.


any book which covers the analysis of a company with steps and in details for a new comers.
if any book, any site, any blog…whatever…please suggest

Some of the popular investing books are available at SCRIBD app. A few are free to read, some require membership. Offers a 14day free trial. Then its 9$ per month. Scribd will fit your online borrowing library description.

can somebody post an url for soft copies of books freely available on the net

Hi can you pls pass on PDF copies to me Thanks in advance