Indigrid InvIT: High yield on stable and predictable revenues

131/- is the pref allotment , nothing for retail unit holders.
Shows strength of Management to issue at this high price.

@Vego could you please describe how does this show the strength of management when the issue is below market price? How is the price high in this case
Thanks much in advance

If the units of an InVit are not frequently traded, the price determined by the InVit
shall take into account the NAV of the InVit based on a full valuation of all existing at that time.
No discount given here for Pref Allotment, plus the List of well known Allottees


Renew Solar acquisition completion


IndiGrid wins two Inter-state transmission projects with over INR 1,000 Cr capex

With these 2 developments, there is a minor uptick in price in the last few days.


i for one do not trust wind/solar gen projection nbrs. smart move by them considering plf of wind generation


Wind has a better plf of 35 and offshore can have upto 50, plus the material can be 100%recycled ,it’s the counterparty guarantee that makes it difficult to get predictable cash flows

Declaration of Q3 FY24 distribution of INR 3.55 per unit comprising INR 2.9510 per unit in the form of Interest and INR 0.5621 per unit in the form of Capital repayment and INR 0.0369 in the form of Other Income.
The record date for this distribution will be January 31, 2024, and payment will be made on or before February 09, 2024.
The slight uptick in Distribution is as per the projects earlier

NAV is 130.05, a tad lower than the 132 before

Investor presentation

As always, I was curious to look, where the distribution will be in future. Page 16, is pointing to a march to 15, in coming quarters !! I hope that the acquisitions play out


Rating update.,%202024_RR_337088.html

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Road show for Investors at Pune on 27th March 2024, acquisition of Battery Storage Unit
Indiagrid.pdf (1.6 MB)

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BESS unit acquired +97 cr addition to DPU
BESS unit gujrat.pdf (341.2 KB)

Few days back I received an email from Indigrid with subject titled “Information required for TDS rate ascertainment by India Grid Trust”.I am individual investor who is residing in India. In the email, it has mentioned details for non resident and for residents. But I am not sure what documents needs to be submitted for this. I request members to kindly guide.


Indigrid Q4 results came out yday, post market


Investor presentation

My quick 2 cents without a detailed look…DPU has remained the same as last Qtr, 3.55 and more taxable, but the projection for the full year, next year is 3.75/Qtr. Profits came down steeply due to maintenance cost increase


Yield table, after updating all Q4 numbers, including Indigrid, that came a couple of days ago