Indag Rubber - inflection point?

A big chunk of remuneration comes from commission, however I couldn’t find out whether commission is linked to performance. It says linked to article of association, I guess this is not linked to performance. However the company is performing since last 5-6 years.
Stock options- no
Long term performance- not attached
Large stake- yes
Restricted stock- no
Red flags
Loan given and forgotten- related party disclosure doesn’t include any loans to director.
Perks allowed outside package- not aware
Stock options- not issued
Skin in game- Mr Khemka is owner operator. Mr Kapur is long tenured employee since 15 years.
Position to enrich friends and relatives:
rent paid of 18 Lacs
expenses reimbursement of 2 Cr
Both above expenses has been paid to his wife.
Board composition:

The board is a combination of family members and independent employee, professional.
Candid about mistakes
Couldn’t be ascertained. Talked positive only.
Promotional management
Not much negative information available.
Talent Retention
Not known, but salary median is poor.
Tough Decisions
Decisions are more operations oriented like writing off R &D etc.
Running the business
Refer note on ROA/ROE above.
Increase in revenue via acquisition- no
Share count- no dilution or buy back
Follow through
Only place which give the management’s strategic viewpoint is website.
Long-term relationship with suppliers- not known
Quality product- official rebates have been minimal. Perhaps moderate quality at least.
Employee training and recognition- not known
Not able to trace from communication
Self confidence
Constant pumping of capex despite poor growth in few years.
Avoiding debt at any circumstances.
Buy back when stock is low- not seen
Controlling debt- there is no debt
Capital allocation is covered separately.
Management’s track record
Rise to position
Promoter family, natural heir to positions. However there is adequate educational background.
Experience with customer base
The promoter has earlier worked exclusively in textile industries
Operational background
Operations, finance both managed by family.
Results track record
Here we have both scenario, few years company was debt ridden….came back with help of debt restructuring.
Capital allocation- so far no buy back or acquisition. Taking debt has supported expansion.
Owner Operator Management
Entrepreneurial minded- yes
Large stake in business- yes
Buy back- no
Dividend- once
Reasonable return on capital- yes
Long term perspective of business- yes
Passionate about business- yes
Personal success with survival- yes
Shareholder interest- not known
Stake increase- no
For love of the game
Identifying passion
Selling business- not so far
Lifelong learners- not known
Philanthropy- not known, CSR spend is mandatory
Job or career- no
Public appearances- not known
Cost control
Not aware of any such circumstances.
Business culture
Decentralization- no
Benefit all stake holders- not known
Day to day operations focus- yes
Long-term focused- yes
Business focus- yes
Transparent and clear communication- moderate
Employee turnover- not known
Management track record
Loyalty- long tenured employee and promoter management both.
Gap in manager job history- not known
Background- operations
Experience with customer base- long interaction
Results track record- has been consistent
Owner operator
Partially, chairman is owner operator and where as MD is long term tenured employee.
Entrepreneurial minded- yes
Large stake in business- yes
Buy stock and business- no
Dividends when there is no opportunity- yes
Return on capital- excellent
Long term perspective of business- yes
Passionate about business- yes
Interest aligned to business and shareholders- yes
Love of the game
CEO attachment- strong
Lifelong learners- not known
Philanthropy- not known
Job or career- career
Public appearances- not known


Basics of Business
The retreading industry thrives on cost benefit against purchase of new tyre. This works for commercial vehicles where speed is not key for driving, for passengers car retreading is insignificant.
Retreading is old practice in India, pretty fragmented due to geopgraphical reach and point of delivery. It is actually the retreading technicians in different town does the job. Indag supplies material to these technicians via whole seller distribution network.
Retreading can be done through cold and hot processs. Cold process is where Indag is engaged into. Of total industry business of 5800 Cr cold process occupies 33%. But a lot of business is un organized. Hence from organized market Indag is market leader having 60-70% share.
The raw material require chiefly is rubber which is an agriculture product mostly cultivated in Kerala. The factory location at Himachal Pradesh has dragged the inventory days higher.
Indag is majorly a domestic seller and buyer.
Customer view
Truckoperators are major customers of Indag via retreaders tecnicians. It’ a well diversified customer base.
Retreading advantage with customer is cost savings on mind. The only factor deters them is safety post retreading. With little incident and low speed requirement of commercial vehicles it is not so dififcult to convince the customer to buy the product. The other way is difficult to win the loyalty of technicians who are front facing ultimate customers. There are plenty of competitors in market but with a distinction. Indag product is cutting edge, the situation where customer switch is further cost benefits. Un organized retreading are further cheaper.
If retreading does not exist tomorrow the cost of maintenance will go up higher for commercial vehicles which will have a cascading effect on products and services managed by these vehicles. Retreading also environmental friendly in terms saving energy used for an alternate new tyre, the government will keep promoting.
Supplier View
Rubber is the chief raw material. Limited players available in India, however can be imported as well.
Key Risks
Management has not specified any risks to be looked upon.In absence I tried to apply the known risks for industry:
Alternate mode of transport- rapid urbanization will be supported by metrol rail and other means of transport. This will impact the passenger car tyre business. However goods carried by railway will impact.
Increaesed power among suppliers- import of rubber have a healthy trend. Unlikely suppliers will dictate the game.
Shifts in technology- retreading technology is not proprietary. Hence any change in technology by the scholars have to be bought by all.
Emergence of competitors- yes there is a risk with low capital investment required it can be a threat. What a new competitor may find is unattractive margins, and deal with tireless end users.
Limited geographic distribution- no, customers are spread across.
Over reliance on too few customers- no, diversified customer base.
Porter five force
Bargaining Power of Customers: plenty of sellers, customer have lots of option to choose.
Bargaining power of suppliers: rubber prices are commodity driven with plenty of choices available from outside as well.
Competition in the industry: though many players are there the competition is concentrated with Indag having a major share in cold process retreading.
Threat of substitute products: All alternate source of transport. Saying that Road carrier is last door mile connectivity, it will retain in its niche place at least in shorter distances.
Threat of New entrants: bit low, as it doesn’t attract high organized players due to superior margin though low capital intensive. But unorganized players will have their presence considering their connectivity and penetration.
Impact of Inflation
Price increase ability- not much
Cost reduction- yes (inventory)
Low capex requirement- yes
One off revenue against recurring
Retreading is reusable product but with a life cycle restriction.
Overview of Company financials
The main source of revenue for Indag rubber is selling of manufactured goods. Within the spectrum of manufactured goods precured tread rubber have a lion share almost 85-90%. The other income seems to be on rise with higher interest and dividend income. Yet very small portion of total income around 1% of total income. Domestic sales are around 95% plus.
On expenses side Indag pays for raw material, which are carbon black, rubber and chemicals. Apart of raw material employee expenses, packing expenses, power and fuel, freight are some of more spent expenses.
There is a change in method of depreciation which has dragged down the depreciation amount but insignificant.
Indag does not have debt except it paid small money to income tax department as interest on tax due.
Indag doesn’t have any long-term liability. Completely shareholder fund is used.
Fixed asset and current assets are key component, which are funded by current liabilities and shareholder.
Most of adjustments to cash flow has been dividend, interest and depreciation. There is no unusual item.
Key takes away from financials:
Indag gross, operating and net margin is on rise year after year. This can be seen in reduction of lower operating expenses.
In terms of SG&A spending Indag doesn’t have much allocation.

Balance Sheet
Accounts Receivables
AR as gross exposure to total asset remain range bound except last two years where it moved up to 14% of sales. Whether this increased brought any issues:
Provision was nil previously, 44 Lac could be seen from 2014. …Appears to be single customer as become static in 2015. This is around 1% of AR, 99% of AR is good and healthy.
The AR balance is rising bit faster than sales. As I could notice sales have stagnated around 200-250 Cr during last four years. Perhaps to retain customer extended credit period has been given.

On and around inventory days is 65-75 days, 8-10 comes from ordering cycle as raw material is available in far south where as the factory is north India.
There has been no improvement or deterioration in inventory.
Among other current assets the current investment has increased from almost nil to 40% now. These are investment mostly in debt mutual fund with short-term liquidity period. The free cash flow has been pumped into market instruments.
Non Current Assets

Tangible asset portion has been going down from 27% gradually to 13% at the current moment. This means there has been no capital expenditure in past four years. We know the current expansion will end in April 2016. However the company is not capital intensive.
The non-current investment of 14 and 18 Cr during 2014 and 2015 is outcome of strong free cash flow, which is invested in bonds, shares and mutual funds.

As the sales increase along with free cash flow, with little capex requirement Indag has managed to pay off short-term debt of 2012. The current liability share has been reduced to 22% from 28% of total assets. This is despite higher commission payment to directors. The decrease is mainly on account of increased total asset and constant current liabilities. This can be seen with constant payables period.

There has been no long-term debt what so ever; the entire funding has been given by equity shareholders all along. Indag enjoys entire capital from equity.
Profit & Loss Account
Revenue recognition policy:
Sale of goods- Delivery of goods.
Sale of services- when services are rendered.
Indag rubber earns 87% of revenue consistently from one product i.e. precured tread rubber. Also non operations revenue has been insignificant till date.
Indag sells maximum of its products in domestic market around 96%.
Cost of goods sold

The direct expenses have been decline from 72% to 64%.
Gross Profit

Indag has been able to mark up from 28% to 35% over last four years.
Other (Selling, General and Administrative) Expenses

Indag has been spending higher and higher money. However this is the section of other expenses, I didn’t come across any major advertisement or sales commission spends. Difficult to confirm whether this additional spend has resulted additional mark up.
Depreciation and Amortization

The impact of depreciation on net income has been diminishing from 9% to 5% over 4 years.
Non recurring charges and gains
There is no non-recurring charges or one time gain as reported in financials or foot notes.

Operating margin has increased from 13.08% to 17.35% over four years.
Interest Income and expenses
Insignificant amount.

The corporate tax rate in India is around 35%, with surcharge around 39%. Indag is enjoying tax advantage; even competitor is paying more than 30%.
Net Income

Both net income in terms of value and percentage have gone up.
Cash flow from operations

As the net income increased, the cash flow also increased. This shows the ability of company not only to generate earnings but cash as well.
Analysis of Growth Drivers

Revenue of Indag rubber has grown at 19% compounding rate, Operating income 27 and net income 29 respectively.
But the ride is bumpy; during 2013 revenue slow down, even 2014 it went negative growth. But Indag managed to post better operating and net income. Let us understand how?

During last four years in terms of value the key products hold their share consistently. However production and sales quantity are not available to analyze further.

Managed to sell more goods and services?
In terms of value key products has been grown mildly. I couldn’t confirm whether the quantity of sale has increased or not.
Managed to raise prices?
Quantity of sale is not available, so I couldn’t find out whether prices for product have expanded or not. However the expansion of gross margin indicates there may be some price increase. The margin expansion is also due to fact company was enjoying excise benefit for a five year period.
Managed to sell new goods or services?
All three key products have been sharing same set of revenues. There are no additional goods or services cuts into major sharing.
Bought another company
Indag has not acquired anyone during review period.

Quality of growth

The net income has grown almost in line with operating growth. However the operating income growth has gone much of revenue growth. One of the reasons is excise duty exemption at plant. Operating cash flow is even grew stronger at almost 42% CAGR.

Analyzing the profitability

Indag’s superior return on equity is contributed to:
Higher net margin though squeezing asset to sale both guys has been at par, may be GRP is slightly better. The high margin comes partly from excise exemption as well.
Indag is comparatively debt free. Although GRP as well doesn’t carry a lot of debt.
Impact of free cash flow on ROE

Although Indag generated a good deal margin and return on equity it failed to generate a lot of free cash flow. The operating cash flow as we saw earlier has been healthy. Is it the capex then?

Capex has gone through roof even as late till 2013, barring 2 years capex has been around 15% of sales or more. Are these growth capex or maintenance capex I will check later.
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)

Indag have nil debt on balance sheet, hence there is not much difference between ROE and ROIC.
With bond rate at 8% and say add another 7% for all risk at higher side WACC works around 15%. The ROIC of 28% provides 13% assurance.
There is a ample chance to increase ROIC as well by reducing inventory holding period.
Financial Health

Indag has no debt, hence financial leverage does not impact returns.

Current and Quick Ratio

Current ratio always exceeds 2.5, what more comfort is quick ratio has gone beyond 2 now. It was always above 1 though.
Return Generated on Additional Capital Employed

It appears the entire capital that is generated from business and retained (reserves) and incremental profit has not delivered the same level of ROE as the original capital had.
The bear case
I have covered the negatives and if but scenarios under “special situation”.

Debt Management
Motivation for debt
With little capex requirement and sufficient cash flow its unlikely Indag will go for debt in near future.
The company has not utilized free cash flow in increasing R&D or sales promotion or perhaps it is not required.
Growth capex has been minimal also, the company is not capital intensive.
Solvency Power
Indag does not have long term debt or even short term debt. Hence debt equity or coverage ratios need not be tracked for time being.
Current ratios and quick ratios are very healthy as discussed earlier.
Off balance sheet liabilities
A total of 9.71 Cr estimated.
7.93 Cr pertain to entry tax determined under jurisdiction.
Income tax demand 1.59 Cr.
No restriction on lease by tenants.
Capex Management

Capex to sales is around 1-2%. This is even with recent expansion. If we remove growth capex Indag generated 83 Cr free cash flow in last four years. Its almost 20% in three years.

The tangible asset base has been going down in terms of total asset base despite of recent capital expansion. Its clear growth capex is not enough to damage free cash flow.
In terms of usage the net block hovers around 50%, this mean management estimation of useful life and maintenance goes hand in hand with operational target.

Short term financial strength

Inventory has been major dragging force behind a delayed cash conversion cycle. Two reasons I guess Indag has fallen behind competitor one location plant is at awful distance from raw material location. Second is seasonal nature of raw material.
On customer front Indag has done exceptionally well.
Long term financial health
Indag has never used debt, always utilizing share holder money. This gives enormous potential to low cost of capital and less risk.
Debt Maturity Schedule
The company have no short term or long term debt.

Financial Integrity
Declining Cash Flow

For two years net income tracked the CFO, for other two years it was fallen apart. During last two years the AR has risen much faster than sales. However inventory has been on declined in last 3 years.
In a nut shell over cash flow has not declined.
Serial Charges
During last five years there has been no one time restructuring charge or unusual charges.
During last five years Indag has not acquired or demerged any company.
Departure of CFO and Auditor
There has been no departure of Auditor or CFO.
Except entry tax liability there has no been audit qualification either.
Provision for doubtful debts
Very minimal amount of 44 lacs has been provided.
Gains from investment
Apart from interest and dividend there has been no other income. In revenue from operations we couldn’t find any one time gain as well.
Employee benefit provision
The actuarial valuations are done by experts, provisions are made as per statute. Company have very little role to play, market linked instruments are not allowed in India.
Over of understatement of expenses
I didn’t found any susceptible cost to analye like R&D, maintetance, marketing etc.
Usage of reserve
The only reserve Indag have is general reserve where the retained earnings are accumulated.
Change in accounting policies, estimates

Capital Allocation Decision
Below is the table showing cash generated and distributed:

A bulk of free cash flow has been reinvested to equity, bonds etc. Around 20-25% further distributed as dividend. Even the recent growth capex is minimal. This indicates company is less capex oriented.
The current and non current investments together form 20% of MCAP now.



Future Growth in the underlying business
Growth prospects of the business
The past income growth has come from the additional margin that was created from excise benefit and better operations. There has been no revenue growth in terms of value.
The current expansion is completing in April 2016 which will enhance capacity by 30%.
Effectiveness of R&D or advertisement or sales promotion?
Minimal amount has been spend on R&D.
Does business require always changing products and services?
Warning signals of slow growth
Change in business model- no
New customer base- no
Higher dividend pay out-slightly because of increased cash flow.
Management Change
Interesting future triggers
Replicated business model- yes
Secular growth or cyclical
Does market share projections show potential growth?
Not known
Organic or inorganic growth
Organic growth so far with lots of free cash flow.
Proper infrastructure to handle growth
Yes, capacity expanded, operations and distribution in place.
Location strategy
At disadvantage to raw material only. Customers are spread across.
Short term earnings at future growth
Enough free cash flow to fund growth.
Historic profitability
Has been very strong.
Management Incentive
Management is owner operator which majority stake is attached to business.
Future growth of industry
Retreading is a highly fragmented market. Indag has very little share in overall market though it’s leading in one of retreading methods i.e. cold process.
The future of industry will remain robust as commercial vehicles are essential for supply chain. Perhaps with radial tyres the retreading cycle may come down a bit.
Management Catalysts
Liquidation chance- no
Spin off- no
Recapitalization- no
Buy backs- possibility exist with free cash flow
Activist involvement- Tej Trivedi is a key share holder.
Business driven catalysts
Change from negative to positive FCF- no
Increase in FCF- Yes
Increase in profit margins- Yes
Increase in revenue- yes
Improving efficiency ratio- Yes
Organic Growth Driver

The cash conversion cycle has actually deteriorated in last four years. The reason behind is increased sales and inventory outstanding where as reduced payable days.
Capital Allocation- covered elsewhere.

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This is the last piece, what I have excluded is margin of safety (valuation) as it contains estimate, personal risk appetite. etc.

Multibagger triggers if any
Size: MCAP around 400 Cr. Revenue is around 280 Cr, the extrinsic revenue is around 5300 Cr. If we purely go by market to revenue ratio even if Indag captures entire market today it can go by 20 times which is unlikely scenario. Of course we are discounting growth going forward.
Low institutional holding: none
Low broker or analyst coverage: few covered last year, Tej Trivedi holds a good amount of stock.
Low traded volume- yes
Profit pool- from the high profit pool sector.
Value migration- from new tyre to retreading tyre.
Niche opportunity- yes, focused on one particular process of retreading business.
Dominant market share- holds leadership in its segment.
Low competitive intensity- no
Economic moat- partial moat
Demand supply dynamics- not known
Unquestionable integrity of management- good track record of corporate governance, not paying full tax, moderate dividend paying.
Demonstrable competence- above average ROE.
Growth mind set- organic growth, domestic growth and long range out look.
Earnings growth- there is no volume growth, price growth is not known. Operating and financial leverage are favourable.
Wide moat- to some extent
PE between 10-15.
Margin and profit expansion due to capacity increase

With one third of current capacity getting expanded the EPS likely to expanded by 25%. I have increased normalized the tax rate to 30%. Also fixed cost distribution may add to margin further.
Raw material purchase- import vs. indigenous
The current quantity or import details are not available for me to do a benefit analysis. However the recent rubber price slump globally made not much comparable between domestic and foreign.
Margin expansion due to related party transactions
There are no trading transactions with related party.
Normalization of tax and subsidy impact
The capacity expansion exercise above includes normalization. Due to withdrawl of Income Tax benefit the tax expenses will go up 25% from current expenses.
The impact of excise with drawl will be negated to a large extent by CENVAT claim.
Post base aseessment
The current year nine months result has been subdued. There has been a small increase in revenue and profit. Jump in taxe have eaten to additional profits. EPS more or less same as last year.

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Hi Suvi- From Indag’s investor presentation

Market size was claimed to be 3200cr in 2014, has it really increased 80% in last 2 years to 5800cr? Could you kindly confirm the source of this market size?

  • Indag claims to have market share of 20-25% in the organized cold process and not 60-70%? Has this increased so significantly lately?

Please see below a snapshot from the IR presentation.

Hi Siddharth
Thanks for pointing me out, I used this investor presentation. But instead of citing the numbers from presentation what I tried to do find out the tyre industry report on retreading and multiply extrinsic potential with unorganised cold process. Out of total unorganised cold process I pulled how much 250 Cr (Indag rubber revenue). Whether I have jumbled up on a number while calculating percentage, let me check again. I will search and post the updates, there can be an error as well.

  1. Indag share of 60-70%, I just replied above. This may be an error while calculating, checking it out.
  2. I searched the competitors based on web information, what I could get is Midas, Vamshi and the ones you mentioned. The size of revenue and capital allocation, I wasn’t so sure in comparing with them. I may be wrong and in any case I don’t rely much on competitor names. Competition is unique to every company. Thanks for letting me know that these are competitors. Please feel free to take them into your analysis, I will do further research as well.

For your last line, I don’t understand “Quoting rakesh “analysis paralysis” mat karo apni akal ladao…” I am refraining from using strong words for limper 4-5 line analytics than taking pot shots at detailed notes; as the intent of the forum is not to indulge in warfare!

I do appreciate your views, please do refrain from personal comments. I am again clarifying I am not error free, I continue to do errors and I am not afraid of sharing my thoughts to anyone. That’s the only way I can get rectified in the journey at least to my notes and my knowledge which I proudly accepts is abysmally poor.


Dear Siddharth

I checked my working notes, I took the premise that 10% of Tyre of industry is retreading. This was the note:
“The Indian tyre‐retreading industry at present is nearly 10.0% of total turnover of the Tyre Industry. The major segments where retreading is used is in CV and Off the Road (OTR) tyres. Majority of the Indian re‐treading industry is fragmented and with large number of un‐organized participants. Some tyre manufacturers like MRF, JK tyres and some tyre companies operating through franchise route are the organized players in this segment.”

But still 10% tire industry is way beyond 5800 Cr and Indag share of 60-70% I could not reconcile. Possibly I was tracking down MRF old number of 5800 Cr revenue in another workings got mixed up.

Yes, it’s an error to say. I have rectified my notes, thanks for bringing to my attention.



All members are warned against using illicit language in the forum. Please restrain from putting such words or you may have to face the consequences of suspension from the forum. Please everyone take a serious note about this and avoid confrontation with the other members. This shall not be tolerated at all. All are requested to take back their words at the earliest.

See once again you are getting personal. Just because you think you can write in certain fashion it doesn’t mean others take in same way.

Akal mat lado is taunting comment. Warfare is a comment on a public forum filtered through authentication, where I want to avoid conflict or irrelevant competition. If you understand warfare as men in army only I am helpless, it’s a well known competitive strategy term.

And for your last line again, now I must speak out now:
@adminph2 please do note.
I posted more than 200 notes in this document, you picked up two-three error and start lecturing me.
First look within yourself what you write about 4-5 of rhetoric lines to know better before advising anyone. Neither I am asking your advice nor giving you advice. If you don’t like to read you may ignore than insulting me.

Anyway I have no intent to spending time troubling high BP patients, though I would refer to discuss about medical situations here which is not of important. If that scare someone then definitely not my intent.

I guess no point in getting to meaning less debate which have no plausible conclusion.

You enjoy you stay.

@Donald, can I request you delete or deactivate my account. I don’t have capability of deactivating in this trust level.

Thanks guys for all the short little time, take care and do well.



Much ado about nothing really. I think @capitalist314 made a good point but perhaps phrased it incorrectly. If an argument is getting lost in verbosity or if an over-analysis is confusing rather than clarifying an investment theme, then it needs to be highlighted lest one fill tens of thousands of words without the desired impact. I think his was a constructive criticism perhaps worded bluntly. The error on market share he was right to point out as well. I don’t see any need for admin intervention here to discipline either side.

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Dear Suvi,

Please continue your postings. Many are informative and worth reading. I am sure many people will benefit. Users have a choice to ignore posts instead of taking potshots. One can give suggestions about the content in a far more dignified manner.
@admins - kindly requesting you to take note of capitalist314’s comment and tone.

Hi Suvi,

I hope you don’t take the extreme step of leaving this forum. Many have benefited from your knowledgeable posts and together we will continue to learn a lot in future. That’s all in short.

I believe there is no need for admin to intervene here and if this is the case I believe they will be burdened with a lot of work. :slight_smile:

I have asked you to remove your comment which you have not done till now. Do it at the earliest or face the consequences. You also need to apologise in public for that. Failing to do so will lead to suspension of your membership. You are suppose to do it today itself.

1 Like

I think the members are taking this forum to the level of a fish market. Seniors are taking this very seriously and any further violation may lead to suspension for life time from the membership of the forum.

The above member is suspended from the forum for use of abusive language & despite the warning from the moderator, did not remove the same. All forum members need to take note of the same and try to keep this forum a civilized place. Any violation will lead to immediate suspension.

Let me know if you seriously want to quit the forum.

AR from 2002-03 till 2010-11 as requested by @Krishna26

268-11 = AR-last 2 digits of the FY ending (10 = FY 2009-10)

268-10.pdf (2.7 MB)
268-06.pdf (2.2 MB)
268-08.pdf (2.3 MB)
268-04.pdf (2.0 MB)
268-07.pdf (2.1 MB)
268-05.pdf (2.6 MB)
268-03.pdf (2.6 MB)
268-09.pdf (2.5 MB)

FY 2010-11 file size is too large for the server :frowning:


Thanks so much @aashish2137

Expert views on the scrip please.