Having said all of above, I must also inform everyone that I haven’t touched a stock screen in the last 2+years.
Like Hitesh mentioned before, friends (investment circle) give you many more investment-worthy ideas, or investment shortlists. And I am most fortunate to have Hitesh and Ayush as my close friends :). The ideas that come through both these guys - are already screened for
a) Defects - in the sense, that they will not even bring up something for in-depth scrutiny, that has known (even if remote) flaws (read the Failure Patterns threads)
b) X-factor - their ideas will be with a difference, than run-of-mill
My practical experience shows these are the best 2 human screeners I will ever need. I haven’t needed stock screens, everafter. As it is, I can’t do justice to the backlog that is always with me - thrown up by these two (excluding many other ideas that come).
I don’t need to invest any time in generating new ideas. That has never been my strength. My strength is in going deeper into some of the ideas from above that excites me. I realise that and they do too. We have developed that teamwork where we respect complimentary strengths of each other.
ValuePickr community - if you participate strongly/energetically/showcase your extensive homework - gives you that opportunity to find others with complimentary skill-sets and form your own investing teams. After some time in the market, one must realise ones own limitations and associate with others that can help you to build on your strengths despite the limitations. One should try everything, but no one can be jack of all. You must identify and develop - what works for you.
Now on a related tangent - (to finding complimentary strength partners)
I can’t help noticing/and commenting - too much of pontificating - opinion-bazi - theorising does not lead you anywhere. Too much time by too many folks is spent on opinion-ating on others opinions :(. And too little on doing one’s own original homework and sharing back in the community, helping and learning with others through practical hard detailed work. Don’t excuse yourself from serious thinking/hard work digging on data/patterns citing I am a full time professional - where do I have the time.
The best way to find others with complimentary skills is to become OPEN and FLEXIBLE - is to do your own original hard work and respect those that do their own hard work. There are many many methods that work. It is important to form your own opinions, but be aware that can also become a big intellectual trap if you are not careful - you may just forever remain in the intellectual trap - (being aware even half-aware) - keep repeating the same opinions everywhere - and fail to do any serious legwork/homework on your own - even when you see evidence contrary to your deeply-held opinions. We see too many of them at ValuePickr. We see too little of serious workers in ValuePickr, but that’s Life and we are Okay with that. The hope is, some of those reading this. wake up!