Hitesh portfolio

Hi Hitesh,

Please share your views on,

1). IPCA after the correction happened now and is this something you’re tracking in pharma space.

2). Apartment from your bullishness on HFC, pharma, what are the others themes we can study and make investments for next 5years horizon.

3). Your technical views on RBI governor note that developed markets may have correction.



IPCA seems good bet for anyone with a 3-5 years view bcos even if it takes more than the promised (by management) time frame of 6 months for USFDA woes to resolve and another six months to regain lost ground, I guess within 1.5-2 years time frame things should again be on track.

But till that time the upside may be capped unless problems get resolved quicker than expected.

Regarding other themes apart from the sectors mentioned, I think PSU companies like ONGC, IOC etc may be worth a bet bcos I expect this govt to do atleast something more than the previous govt. Sometimes we consider change of ownership good for a company. We have to take a similar view where we have to consider ownership changing from Cong to BJP. :slight_smile: If u look closely then the subsidy burden has been coming down to ignorable levels for diesel and petrol seems completely free of that. Now what remains is lpg and other products like kerosense.

Hitesh bhai,
Glad to see you too,holding HGS.:slight_smile: I think they have a subsidiary in Philippines,which is yet to contibute meaningfully.As you said,the market doesn’t seem too excited with the company’s growth plans.Incidentally,HGS trades at a discount to Firstsource,inspite of it being debt free/cash rich.Though,HGS makes quiet thin OPM margins.But it seems a bet worth taking.One good quarter,holds the potential to take it near 900.Dividend yield is good.

Hi Hitesh,

Please share your views and guidance on the following:

1). What are your views on supreme industries with current valuation and next 5 year goal they’re aiming with different products in plastics.

2). As part of learning on PSU theme, I was going to oil drilling and landed up on Aban Offshore (was having mcap of 5x from now at around 2007 duration). Is this counter looking good considering they’re planning to improve the debt levels + getting very good rentals on the rigs now with long term contracts.

3). Please share your views on Rossel India – It is a traditionally tea business and diversifying to defense+aerospace+oem (got contract boeing) and QSR (Xpress Kebab) domain where last are contributing only 10% revenue in 2013-14. AR looks to have insights and good learning on them.

While reading #2 and #3’s AR, happened to see that they’ve moved their loan with currency swap from INR to USD. Help me to understand the benifits and profit improvements from that switching.



I dont have any idea on any of the stocks mentioned by you so no views on any of them.

[ Comment too short ]

Hitesh bhai,

I have Canfin (around 2% of my portfolio), alongwith Repco and Gruh Finance.

Canfin results were decent, then why is the stock price falling so much. Is it because of the rights issue. Should we maintain caution here or do you think it is the right time to load up on this stock. Requesting your views on this.



@pankaj, I have exited vst tillers and kaveri. Holding ajanta. Among others I hold canfin, repco, gic hsg, hgsl, shilpa medicare, page inds, hawkins, mps etc.

@rohit, I am not too sure about the double top in kaveri. MPS also I cant detect a flag but overall technical setup in MPS appears bullish.


For Canfin the main overhang is the rights issue and the pricing and ratio of the same.

I think once it gets over the stock should pick up steam.

I think levels of 350-370 look good to me for adding gradually.

If possible try and read the Annual Report. The do a decent job of articulating their future course.

Hi hitesh,

Compared to rs software, zensar has better deals pipeline and ratios.While rs software has caught investors frenzy zensar hasn’t till now.

As an investor should we also go with a timeline along with a stop loss for our investments?

Did u read contingent liabilities for zensar tech.

sourabh and navtej,

Zensar for me is a technical call and hence I dont dig too deep into the fundamentals. A brief look often suffices.

My stop loss is now higher at 420 levels from the earlier 400.

Hiteshji, if you can spare a few moments, kindly request you to go through Shakti Pumps thread. I would really appreciate your comments!

Hiteshji, thank you for your comments on the Shakti thread!

Hi Hitesh,

Any view on Arvind Ltd. ?

More so taking into account their foray into ECOM.

Hi Hitesh,

GS has come up with the report on OMC analysis that there is a potential of 100%+ upside from here. As you’ve shared the broader theme you’re looking at this, it will be great to know out of this which one are interesting. Report gives HPCL looks really undervalued.

Report summary -http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2014-08-19/news/52983617_1_oil-marketing-companies-omcs-marketing-margins

Please suggest any other stock/theme which are looking good now. It will help to study and comeback for queries and keep learning.


deepen, I dont have much idea about arvind or its ECOM venture. In the textile space Page remains the most preferred buy esp on declines.

Muthumukar, I havent looked at details of all OMC but feel IOC could be rewarding (havent looked at HPCL or BPCL in details) . ONGC also could be interesting in view of reducing subsidy burden. Oil India also looks interesting. If one is not too sure then it makes sense to buy these things as a basket and ride the lot.

Hitesh , How does Suven life science looks at CMP?


I dont know too much about suven.

Hi Hitesh,

Would be thankful to know your opinion on Kitex after recent developments



Kitex thread has all the details an investor needs to know before investing. The management q&a has also been uploaded. You can go through them and decide for yourself.
